Fairy Tale prt 1

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Percy: Hey guys. What's up?


Jason: Same here.

Percy: OMG IT'S SNOWING........

Jason: Are you thinking what I'm thinking Percy.......

Percy: Are you  thinking what I'm thinking?...........

(stares at eachother for a long moment)

Percy and Jason: DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOW MAN!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

Hazel:Your both ideots.


Piper:Annabeth? You there?

Annabeth: Ya.

Frank: Whats up?

Annabeth: Nuthen. Just reading.

Piper: You want to do something?

Annabeth: You know what I want to do.

Frank: Annabeth, you know we can't go to the surface. It's dangerous for merpeople.

Piper:Ya, plus the water has frozen over.

Annabeth: Ya, I know......... Can we at least go and look at the ice?

Piper: You know what? Sure.

Frank: Oh, Annabeth is everyone coming to dinner?

Annabeth: Hell ya! I'm so excited for every one to be there!"

Piper: Kay, lets go then!




Jason: HAZEL ARE YOU HAVIN- Hazel whats wrong?

Hazel: It's just that........ we havn't had this much fun *sniffle sniffle* scince Leo...... Leo....... *sobs quietly*

Jason: Oh Hazel........ We miss Leo too.

Percy: Ya. I know it's hard with Leo's dissapearence-

Hazel: Percy! He's dead okay! I just know it! So stop trying to kid yourself with fairy tales..........

Jason: Hey. I know what we should do. Ice skate!

Percy: I don't know bro. Is the ice thick enough?

Jason: I don't know, but should the freaking prince of Water Falls suppossed to call anyone bro?"

Percy: "Shut up. You know thats different."

*Jason crosses his ams and just out his left hip very intently*

Percy: Fine...... We can go!

Jason and Hazel: Yess!!!!! *high fives each other*

Five minutes later..........

Hazel: Oh my gods! This is so much fun!

Jason: Hell ya it is!

Percy: Everyone bring it in for a selfie!

Hazel: Whoo hoo!

Percy: Kay. Everyone say, "Chesse!"

*ice cracks and breaks beneith them*

Percy, Hazel, and Jason: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

*they black out*


Annabeth: Thanks for letting me go. This is so much fun!

Piper: A princess needs to have fun once in a while too!

Frank: Eup. This is pretty great.

Annabeth: Ya this is grea-*sees three humans slowly sinking* OH MY GODS! They need help! We need to save them!

Frank: Annabeth! We can't! There humans!

Annabeth: Well, there still living beings! Help me!

Piper: *sigh*


Percy: *yawn* Good morning cast--- WHERE THE HELL AM I? How am I under water? How am I even freaking breathing?

Hazel: Percy *yawns* quiet down I'm tryin to sle- Where are we Percy?

Percy: Thats what I'm trying to figure out. Wake up Jason, would ya?

Jason: *groggely sits up* What do you need me for?..................Oh..........Were under the sea.........

Percy: I wonder whos castle this is? It's pretty sweet.

Hazel: Oh, look at this! Were surrounded by a magical air bubble.

Frank: Shhhhh! I here someone coming.

Annabeth: Come on guys. There awake. Leo, can you come help?

*Annabeth, Piper, Frank, and Leo walk in the room*

Jason: Le..... Le...... Leo?

Leo: Jason? Percy? Piper?

*walks up to bubble*

Leo: Huuuu.......How did you guys get--- *SMACK*

Hazel: WHAT THE FUCK LEO? WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!?!?!?!?!?! I.............WE..........YOU LITTLE BASTERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *she raised her hand for another slap*

Jason: *grabs Hazels wrists* Woooooo there Hazel. Calm down. Calm. Plus, is anyone going to consider the fact that they are merpeople?

Percy: I did. A long time ago............... Can I be one too?

*Hazel smacks him on the back of the head*

Hazel: That  was rude Percy.

Annabeth: Well........*she keeps taking glances at Percy(I TOTALY SHIP IT :3* I'm Princess Annabeth of Atlantis, and these are my friends, Frank and Piper.

Percy: Well, scince we're doing introductions, I'm Prince Perseus of Water Falls, and these are my friends, Jason and Hazel.

*they sat there awkwardly for awhile*

Percy: Sooooooooo, when do I become a merman?

Hi guys! It's me! Thanks for reading this story!

Should I make a part 2? Leave it in the comments

if you think so! Stay awkward everyone!

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