Chapter 1

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Willy Wonka is an extravagant man. Known far and wide for his crazy ideas and fun uses of chocolate and candies. Many shoppes and markets alike all around the world sold Willy Wonka's creations proudly. But, not many people have actually met the chocolatier himself. For he became very introverted and isolated from the rest of the world and its people.

One day, while he was sitting inside his factory, towering over many Oompa-Loompas, he had an epiphany. He would need someone to take over the factory when he was unable to do so no more. The thought of him unable to take care of his precious factory anymore made Willy vulnerable and powerless. The fact that he had no control in his aging, nor any control to what the future held, made Wonka get himself stranded in his own head.

It wasn't until one of his Oompa-Loompas called out to him that he finally caught on again to reality. Wondering what the little man wanted, Willy's extremely longs legs contorted and twisted to where he was half crouching and half kneeling down in a very uncomfortable position.

His bad leg he tried to keep as straight as possible, but after the incident, Willy was in constant agony. When he was a younger man, barely twenty years old, one very unhappy man took out his frustrations on the poor chocolatier. He was on his way to visit one of his most prosperous shoppes to visit the owner and talk business, when he was cornered in an alley by a man he had never seen before in his life.

Yelling about how crazy Willy was and how much of a freak he was, the man slashed at the genius and then proceeded to take out a firearm and shot the man in the leg. He ran after realizing what he had done, the man had fled from the scene, leaving a bleeding Wonka lying in the middle of an alley.

It wasn't until the expectant owner of the trusted shop had gone looking for him and found him unconscious, bleeding in the alley. Dragging him to the nearest hospital, it was then that Wonka decided he must close the factory. To keep himself safe and the lives of others around him. That, and the fact that there were disgusting, untrustworthy people working for the man.

But now, now was the day before the grand re-opening. And Willy Wonka still had lots to do. The Oompa-Loompa tapped his shoulder once more and begun to converse with him about matters that were concerning the fifth ticket winner.

During that entire day, Willy had looked at all the kids that had won the golden tickets. They all were complete and utter brats and they were ungrateful and downright unattractive. The Oompa-Loompa finished telling the chocolatier about who had found the last golden ticket and how he was seemingly very different.

Raised in a completely different type of household, the Buckets lived in the small shack that could be seen from the front gates of Wonka's factory. Seven people under one roof with one bedroom, and a hand-made loft where Charlie Bucket, the youngest of the house, slept to keep his privacy. The grandparents (Yes, all four of them) slept in a four-poster double bed, spouses sleeping next to each other.

Charlie was eighteen now, he had just turned so mere weeks ago. His grandparents were too old now. All except one was feeling too old to live anymore. Grandpa Joe had recently become the life of the household. Mr Bucket had gotten laid off from his job at the toothpaste factory, while mother cooked nothing but stew... cabbage stew that she made with the cabbages she farmed in her own garden.

Life was tough for them right now. Not only did they have no income, people were making big sacrifices for the elderlies in the house. It was often (border-lining on too often) where Charlie would fake an illness or feign being sated enough to go and give them his portions.

Slowly losing weight, Charlie was also gaining muscle. He had managed to recently find a job at the nearest factory, lifting and carrying heavy boxes of miscellaneous junk in which Charlie was unaware of the contents. After he had told everyone he had gotten a job, he decided to give all the money to his mother, he was still living under her roof, after all.

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