Clear: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Double-Edged Dawn

No matter what time of the day it was, the old city never rested. The Business District streets bustled with chaos, and I stood on the sidewalk at 6:30 AM, arms open and eyes filled with outrage.

I spat a delayed curse before I eagerly trailed my kitten heels toward the nearest bodega. I figured using an awkward smile as currency would have been enough to have afforded me some loitering time around the small shop. Too bad for me, the nonplussed man remained nonplussed; he made it obvious he knew I wasn't about to buy a loud tie-dye shirt with a giant print of our city's name across the chest.

I get it; I get it.

Every day, he tried to make a living, and I had been on my way to do the same. He attempted to present neatly displayed products to tourists, and I tried not to show up to my new job without looking like a huge fan of Pollock.

I had hoped the handful of seconds that passed by would ease the shunning factor. But it was apparent my ruined pleated skirt would not garner any sympathy from the vendor.

Usually, I withstood the relentless nature of city-bred dwellers. But, with this encounter, bodega man could have kissed my ass. As the universe would have it, a new notch on the calendar began with tragedy for one person.

My skirt's new pattern was thanks to a combination of a loose top to a traveling coffee cup and a stranger's body slam to my shoulder. If only I could have made that moment of impact a trifecta and presented that closeted linebacker with a dignified middle finger.


Feeling snubbed for long enough, I took long strides away from the establishment that was a shit imitation of the rainbow. With a pointed finger up to the sky, I waged war. "This better not be the beginning of a series of unfortunate events!"

Though, the sense left in my head reminded me I had to not start an already shitty day by threatening a higher power that could smite me at any moment. He would probably have the most beautiful angel flutter down from above and douse the remains of my coffee all over my ruined clothes.

Of course, that mental cinema reminded me that my caffeine disaster would happen near the building I needed to enter.

Relax, girl. You can do this.

I finally turned my attention up to the tall business suite building in front of me. Ah, Leoné Investments–a prestigious and private investment firm... that I hadn't heard of until a week ago. Either way, I was super excited to meet Mr. Steineckert again. He was one of the most relaxed interviews I ever experienced. He was so impressed with my resume he hired me on the spot and to start on a crisp Monday morning.

This is supposed to be a proud day!

A reset, jolly version of myself trotted to the nearest trash can and dumped my traveling mug. I entered the glittering building with a beam so strong it hurt my cheeks. Normally, a smile should have been contagious, and it had been for a good second until the twenty-something blonde receptionist looked at my skirt.

"Oh my, God," I muttered, glancing down at my clothes. "I can't do this."

She took heed of my wrinkled my face, foreshadowing an impending breakdown and threw her pointer finger at the public restrooms. I mouthed my 'thanks' and sped to the ladies' room. I pushed the door and got punched in the face by the scent of lavender and vanilla.

"Yes, yes. Calming aromas and shit," I chanted in a panic, before sadly snickering at my accidental 'Wakka Wakka'.

But my fun disappeared as I pondered over how I was going to wash my skirt in a public restroom.

Clear: The Ada Young Series [2015]Where stories live. Discover now