Teacher vs. Rohan

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"Rohan, tell us what the meaning of life is," the teacher raps loudly on her desk with her metal ruler and the whole classroom of children fall silent. In unison, they turn their eyes on a fragile brown eyed boy with long eyelashes. His eyes are fixated on the ground.

"I've only experienced life for six years, m'am," he mumbles. The class whispers.

"Just answer the question," the teacher rolls his eyes.

"Uh...w-well...being able t-to have a good night's sleep?" The boy shifts on his feet. The metal leg brace he wears on his left leg squeaks. Rohan winces at the piercing sound. The class is silent for a nanosecond then it erupts into an explosion of laughter. Rohan reddens. The teacher slams the ruler and instantly the chatter is diminished. The class stares at ruler. The Teacher glares at Rohan. Rohan visibly shrinks into himself. The class holds its breath. Then, in mere seconds the teacher crosses the room and the ruler is raised like a weapon. Every student winces as the metal hits it's prey. Rohan screams as his leg is stung repeatedly by the ruler.

"Stupid boy" the teacher spits and takes another swing

"He's not stupid,"a new voice calls out. The teacher's ruler stops a hair away from his leg. Rohan's eyes widen as he searches for his savior. Behind him stands a defiant young girl with cropped dark hair and a stubborn stance. The teacher's glare turns furious.

"Thank you, Wesley, for volunteering to go to the principal's," the teacher's voice is deadly calm but everyone knows she's burning with hatred. If there's anyone the teacher hates more than Rohan it's Wesley Rose Richie. In short, Wesley lived to defy authority. Wesley smirks as the ruler smacks her palms. The teacher is fuming. Wesley proudly struts across the classroom out the door with her palms swollen from the stinging ruler. Rohan slinks across in tow with his eyes still glued to the cement floor. Once the door closes, Rohan bursts into tears and Wesley discreetly wipes away some moistness beneath her eyes but in contrast, her face is set blankly in a stoic manner.

"Besides your leg, what else is injured?" She says. She grabs Rohan tightly by the arm and starts to drag him toward the nurse's office but not too tight as to hurt him. She speaks sharply but not too loud. Rohan stopped himself by saying "his self-esteem". Instead he managed to choke out, "You're not bringing me to the principal's?"

"Course not," Wesley snaps and she gently leads him into the nurse's office. The rest is a blur for Rohan. He remembers an ice packet and him being dragged to his dorm room. He's laid in his bed gently and just as he drifts to sleep he hears, "They're meant to go to the office!" Panic seizes his heart but then exhaustion takes over from the stress of the happenings. In seconds, he's dead to the world. Figuratively.

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