Wesley and Rohan

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Rohan is woken up by a throbbing pain in his left leg. The metal brace feels like a cage for his swollen leg and the waves of pain sends his head reeling in dizziness. He didn't expect the ruler to hurt so much. He frantically removes his brace which he never had done before since he was 2 when had first received the brace and in anger he managed to yank it off in .05 seconds after they had attached it on him. On his leg, there are red angry lines where the strips of metal dug into his skin.

After that had been taken care of, Rohan quickly noticed how silent it was in the usually raucous group dorm room. The low-ceiling stuffy room crammed with wooden bunkbeds is completely noiseless accept for the twittering of birds outside the yawning opening of the window. The clock read 12:00. He had missed half of his classes and he felt no urge whatsoever to make them up. Everything about yesterday feels fuzzy and years ago. He remembers that Wesley might be in trouble and his heart skips a beat. He forgets his brace is off and springs off the bed. Realization slams into him literally as he faceplants on the ground and his limbs hit the cold floor. His whole body pulses with soreness and Rohan feels incredibly stupid....and clumsy. He restrains himself from shrieking out in frustration. Ever since he was born, he had a bad leg that was completely useless. It was as simple as that. He was a cripple because of basic birth defect and it enraged Rohan to the point of insanity. He secretly wished that his leg was useless as the result of an accident on a bicycle or something so that their could've been a chance his leg could heal. Sadly, it was all stupid genetics and he hated it. The door swung open with a bang and Rohan immediately used his arms to scoot away. It was Wesley but Rohan still cowered in the corner. He is about to say "thank you" to her but what she says next stops him in his tracks.

"Ugh, I forgot how pathetic you are in person," He knew Wesley was just joking but the words cut into him like a knife. He bit back a nasty retaliation but he ended up taking her bait.

"Excuse me? What did you just say? If you thought I was so pathetic, why did you even bother helping me?" His fists balled and his knuckles turned white. The glare he shot her could've made anyone faint but Wesley just shrugged nonchalantly and stared right back unaffected by his furious gaze.

"Gosh, you're such a baby. Look at yourself. You're getting mad at me because of one little thing I said? You know for someone who looks so passive , you've got some serious anger problems," Wesley says lazily. This fueled his anger even more.

"It's 'cause of my leg, right? Just 'cause I'm physically disabled doesn't mean I'm dumb also! You know you can't just pick on a cripple and also you don't even know me! I barely know you! In fact, yesterday was the first time I even talked to you and now you just go off and insult me! That's such a low blow. You know you're the pathetic one! Augh! It's so-so-so erm...," the anger inside him boiled and made it harder to put together coherent sentences. A few seconds later, he realized what he'd just said and he stopped the tears from coming so he just blinked incessantly. Wesley just waited for him to calm a bit.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't know wh-why I said all that. It's just... I d- I'm... just..." Blubbers Rohan.

"Bitter about having a bad leg?" Offered Wesley quietly. Rohan nods.

Wesley continues after a long pause of silence,"Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I just... It's in my nature to say whatever I want and I say things I'm not supposed to sometimes. I just like being free ,you know,without restraints to hold me down. So I'm sorry if I hurt you," Wesley actually appears to be ashamed for the first time since Rohan met her yesterday. He perks up at the apology.

"I accept your apology... And I'm sorry for what I said. I shouldn't really be insulting you when you're the one that saved me. Thank you for doing that by the way. Wait, why did you save me?"

"'Cause I felt the need to step in. It wasn't right... Er what the teacher doing," she says quietly. Rohan just looks confused by the fact that Wesley cared about him.

"But you didn't even know me! We barely talked!"

"Well, sometimes you gotta just help,"

"Yeah, I suppose so,"

There's another long pause and the the two gaze out the huge window that is now streaming late afternoon golden sun.

Wesley says meaningfully, "You know, another reason why I speak so bluntly to you is not because I enjoy being mean... It's just that I'm trying to be nice,"

"WHAT?!" This time Rohan looks more confused than angry.

"It's just that when someone is disabled or inadequate people try to be overly kind and gentle and even patronizing. I kinda wish people could treat everyone the same... They talk to people like you as if you aren't human and I know that you are a normal person just like me...So when I talk with you, I don't want to hold back or filter what to say in front of you just because you're disabled. I just want you to be you and me to be me and not fake being kind and all that stupid stuff. You get me?"

Rohan listens intently and then speaks,"I know what you mean about patronizing but I think it can come off as rude if you're not holding back insults, no offense. Do please try to not insult," Rohan says carefully.

Wesley smirks, "Okay,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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