4. Life's Disapointments

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"Zero Kiriyu" Someone called. As Zero was getting up on the stage he started feeling nervous. 'What if I don't get in?' he thought. He starting feeling butterflies in his stomach and a little light headed.

By then he remembered, that he can do anything that he out his mind on. That he can do anything. This brought his spirits up. He is ready.

"Your name and instrument." he heard.

"Zero Kiriyu and cello."

"Alright I am the conductor if the schools orchestra and string symphony. So you can go ahead and play your piece."

Zero nodded. He took a deep breath then started playing. All the sounds and passion filled the audience. They were surprised, not only did the boy memorized the piece he played it so beautifully with so much love and care. Zero felt so alive like he didn't have a care in the world l, that everything is just an illusion filled with only sound.

When Zero finished playing everyone was silent. Then he heard someone clap, it grew until everyone in the auditorium stood and clapped with joy. Some student were brought to tears. Zero felt like he stood ten feet tall. Confidence overflowed in him and happiness.

When the cheers died down he heard the conductor speak again. "You are quite talented, you play with passion and you are blind am I correct?"

" Yes."

"Well even though of your condition you play beautifully. I can feel your love and feelings for the music you play. But in the Orchestra you need to be able to play with other students. You need to be able to see everyone around you, including me. I'm sorry this but you can not be in any of the two classes."

Zero felt the world around him shatter. He then heard booing.

"Let him in!"
"He can do it!
"He deserves this, you just said he was talented!"

Even though the yells of change the conductor waved them off and asked for the next student. Zero felt like he shrunk to two feet. What of he is blind? I can memorize pieces like nothing.

As he was getting if the stage there was Yuki there to greet him. She could feel his pain. So she didn't say anything. He started putting his things away to leave when he heard the last student say his name

"Kaname Kuran. Violin"

"Can you please stay and watch with me? I want to cheer on my brother." said Yuki.


When they found seats Yuki's brother started playing. It was like his violin was enchanted. Beautiful vibrato, exquisite chords, everything about his music was magnificent. His music filled him with emotion. All of his earlier feelings vanished am were replaced with curiosity and wonder.

Then the music stopped, then the room was filled with cheers and clapping. Even he got up and clapped with a smile in his face. He could not believe his ears of what try just heard.

After a while his emotions came back. The music made him feel like he was in a dream, and that he had awoken to his earlier nightmare. Even though he didn't make it he felt for everyone who did.

"Yuki I'm going back to my dorm. I'm feeling tired.

"Do you need help getting there?"

"It's alright. Go on and congratulate your brother. Tell him I said that he did amazing."

"Ok, goodnight."

After he said goodnight to Yuki he started heading if to his dorm, with his cello. Tears were stinging his eyes but he held them back. He knew that being blind would affect his future some way, but not this. Of all things it could ruin it had to be his music.

When he entered his room he started getting ready for bed, because tomorrow was the opening ceremony for the new students.

A couple hours have passed and he still couldn't fall asleep. Were his other classes going to end up being the same? If only that day never happened.

"Hey! Zero come hear and play!"



* crash

Zero woke up gasping for air. The air around him was thick and he was covered in sweat. Why did that dream keep haunting him? He got up to get a glass a water. Once he finished it he laid down in his bed and all the pain he felt just crashed before him. Tears were pooling his eyes.

All the pain, all the tragedy, all the misery were caused by him. Why did he have to cause misfortune? He heard the sweet violin play. It must have been his imagination. At least he had something to think about to give him a piece of mind. Zero slowly drifted off to sleep.

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