5. Kaname Kuran

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"Welcome students of Cross Academy! It is wonderful to have our new students and to see familiar faces. I wish you the best of luck in your studies. But remember there are three rules to this school
RULE NUMBER ONE: Study hard, and excel
RULE NUMBER TWO: Sleep and eat well, please take care if your selfs
RULE NUMBER THREE: Help each other, we are all family
I expect each and every one of you to follow these rules with pride!"

As Director Cross was telling his students his yearly welcoming speech Zero was spacing off. Not that he was bored but for other reasons, like how will he get along with the other students, how would he get around this giant campus, and mainly who was the violinist that stole his heart? Zero kept telling himself I only love their music not the person themselves.

He tries to push the thought out of his head but it just keeps coming again. he remembered hearing a name but he just couldn't remember what the name was. If he could hear it them maybe he could remember who it was. ' I just really want to know who it is.' Zero thought to himself.

"As I conclude this speech I would like to congratulate the top students who excelled their entrance exams for their year.

"Ooohh I wonder who the too students are?"
" Why?"
" The too students in each year are the students who get to plan student events and is the president of their year. They usually pick a boy and girl for the role."

'Interesting.' Zero thought. When he was younger he remembered that his father was his Year President for his four years here. And that his mother was also Year President for her second and fourth year as well. His father always wanted Zero and Ichirou to go to this school. They both made it their goal. to make their parents proud.

The First Year Presidents are Wakaba Sayori and Kiriyu Zero! Congratulations!"

Zero was shocked. He then he hear clapping from the other students. The he felt a tap and a Congratulations from Yuki, who them moved on to see her best friend.

"Next out Second Year Presidents are Souen Ruka and Kuran Kaname! Congratulations you two! Moving on to the third years......"

Zero tuned out the rest. Kuran Kaname. He remembered, but it was very faint. He was in utter disbelief, he fell in love, no with his music, to a boy! He couldn't, just no, and especially to Yuki's older brother.

Zero never thought of himself being in a homosexual relationship, before the accident that resulted in him being blind he pushed those thoughts of being with another boy out if him. He didn't want to disappoint anyone with who himself.

Then he felt a light tap of his shoulder again, it was Yuki.

"Hey are you ready to go to the dinner? I hear that it is always a huge feast."
" Ahh Yuki you never seem to change do you."
"Oh I never introduced you two my bad, Zero this is Yori and Yori this is Zero. Your partner in crime now huh?"
"Nice to meet you Zero. I'm looking forward to working with you."
"As well." said Zero
" Oh hold on I see my brother! Come on Zero let me introduce you to him.'

As Yuki pulled him to one direction his mind was telling him to go the other way. How could he go and meet the violinist that stole is heart, his music not him!? Then Yuki stopped.

"Kaname this is Zero, the friend I was telling you about."

Zero froze.

"Hello Zero it is great to meet you. This year I hope to work well you."
"H-hello it's a-also nice to meet you. I look forward t-to working with you."
"I'm going to go meet with Yori. Kaname can you make sure that Zero gets to the dining hall alright?
"I will." Zero heard him reply. His voice was enchanting. He sounded like a prince trying to woo a young princess.

He could feel him getting closer, that he thought he felt their skin touching. He stayed as still as a statute made of ice. The closeness made him feel like he was made of ice. Then

Then the silence was finally broken by a faint whisper.

"My, this will be an interesting year. Especially with you."

Zero hear a light smirk from the older boy and felt him move away from him.

"Kaname the dinner is about to begin."
"I'm on my way. Come Zero let's go and eat. You can sit next to me."

Zero could feel his face growing red by the second. Never has he ever felt so surprised or embarrassed before. And he was going to sit right next to him. ' Oh no. Why?' was all he thought when Kaname escorted him into the dining hall.

Authors Note:
Hellooooo readers I want to start by apologizing to you. I know that I haven't updated in a long time and I'm really sorry. I get really bad writers block and there were so many things in my personal life that 'Blinded Love' was the last thing in my mind.
I want to say thank for being patient with me and to thank the people who messaged me encourage words. I get really self conscious about my writing and to hear that they loved my story helped me write this chapter. So thank you all for reading and hopefully I update soon and you keep on reading!!!

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