Chapter 7

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It was Sunday, and Manick was sound asleep, until afternoon. He woke up to the sound of his phone blaring. Without looking at the caller I.D., he picked it up.

"Why do you think I did it?", she asked him.

"Did what?", he asked, his eyes still shut.

"Marry my husband", she answered.

Manick chuckled at his sister's questions.

"As far as I remember, you were head over heels for the bald man", he reminded her curtly.

"Well, yeah I was. Still, I am. But he drives me crazy Manu...I wanna come back home", she said, and Manick could hear the pout in her voice.

"You're always welcome, you know that. Come over", he said sitting up, and rubbing his eyes.

"What about maa? She'll create a fuss, over how often I come over, leaving my husband by himself", she said.

"I'll handle her, don't worry", he assured her.


"I don't want to come between his dreams, he already has sacrified enough for me", Radhika sighed.

"You're his biggest dream come true, Radhi. He just wants to keep you happy", he said putting an arm around his sister.

Both the siblings were sitting at their spot, on the sill of the terrace of their age old building. It was their bonding space.

Radhika relaxed considerably in her brother's embrace, he always seemed to have a calming effect on her. Maybe, that came from sharing the same womb for nine months.

"So? You tell me? How have you been? Any other calls for your work?", she asked him.

"Nope!", he said popping the 'p'.

She silently nodded.

"I must say though, the girl seems pretty kind and sweet, to help someone she just met like that", Radhika said.

Manick snickered.

"Very", he pressed.

"I hear heavy sarcasm in your voice", Radhika noted.

"I don't know Radhika. She....she confuses me. I mean, she has this whole plan on making her boss fall for her, for his money. She has wants to live lavishly without having to work hard. On the other hand, she works so hard at her job, harder than she trying to make her boss fall for her. She has cruel intentions, no doubt. But her mind is not devious enough", he said.

"You lost me at, she doesn't have a devious mind. If she has such absurd ulterior motives, then how can she not have an equally wicked mind?", she put forward.

"She has her goals, but she doesn't know how to achieve them. She is completely oblivious to how her boss looks at her, she can be fooled easily. The other day itself, she had almost given up without even trying. I had to pull her through", he said.

"You're helping her?", Radhika asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I couldn't help it, she looked really upset", he said, putting his face in his hands. He was referring to the time when he had to ask Tara to dance with him.

"You like her, don't you?", Radhika questioned.

"I did, not anymore. I can't like a girl with such motives. She's nothing I want, she's not simple, not sweet, not my ideal girl. I can't", he confessed.

"You can't, but you do..", she said.

"No Radhi, I don't", he said, with finality in his voice.

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