Chapter Eight

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A/N: I deleted this first version of Chapter 8 because I'm going a different way with this story. Sorry for not updating, I've been busy and trying to think of ideas for this book.
Nikki: I'm on my way to AJ's house to talk to her about Paige and why she made Seth do what he did. I get to her house and knock. No answer. I knock harder and instead of AJ, Seth opens the door. Oh hey Nikki he says. Shut it Seth, where's AJ. Wow aren't you feisty today he says. Seth I'm not playing around where is she. Ok ok, AJ is in the bedroom, you can come in and see her he says. I walk in and find the bedroom and enter, I see AJ sitting on the bed on her phone. AJ we need to talk. Oh hey Nikki she says looking at me. AJ why did you make Seth rape Paige? Cause it was funny she said. I start walking closer to AJ ready to kill her until she says I wouldn't go further if I was you but of course I didn't listen, I get to her only to be pulled away and slammed into the wall by...Seth. I warned you AJ said. Seth let's have some fun with her but knock her out first so we can prepare AJ says. Seth nods and punches me hard in the face and everything goes black. I wake up and look around, I try and get up but I can't I'm tied a they wouldn't. AJ skips in. Ooo your finally up she says. AJ please I beg you. Aww Nikki it's ok she says while removing her clothing and slowly crawling over me. AJ...stop. Shut it or I'll get Seth in here to finish the job she says. I don't say a word. Good girl she says as she slowly runs her fingers all over my body. She leans down and kisses me but I don't kiss back until she pulled my hair extremely hard I kissed back. Seth comes in and tells AJ he has to go and he says have fun. AJ waves bye and slowly licks my nipple while moving her hand down towards my pussy. Her hand gets there and she instantly puts her fist in me causing me to whimper in pain. She moves her fist fast in me and I just cry and watch her being defenseless. AJ keeps doing this for an hour making me cum 4 times. AJ stops and I ask if it's over. Just one more thing Nikki she says. O..ok I say. She climbs on top of me positioning herself where her pussy is right in front of my face. If you make me cum twice Nikki I'll let you leave she says. I take a deep breath and close my eyes then I shove my tongue inside her moving it fast hoping it will speed up the process. 5 minutes of doing this had AJ moaning loud in pleasure. I kept doing it until I felt her cum in my mouth and on my face, I just kept going so she wouldn't talk. I kept doing it until AJ was yanked off my by...Paige.
Paige: Nikki has been gone for awhile and I have a feeling where she is. I go to AJ's house and the door is unlocked so I walk in hearing moaning from the bedroom. I slowly walk in seeing Nikki tied down and AJ on her. I quickly yank AJ off and pin her to the ground giving her a your dead stare. Paige I'm sorry don't hurt me she pleads. Oh it's to late for sorry you little slut. Paige please I'm sorry! She pleads more. I look into her eyes which showed fear. AJ what happened to you, we had a great marriage until you had to become this person that I don't even know I say. She looks at me and cries. I don't know why I started to be like this, Paige I want you back without you I'm broken she says. I get off her, AJ I can't be with you I'm with Nikki I say. Well then there's no point then she says as she quickly dresses and runs out the door. I go and untie Nikki. Go home Nikki I gotta go find AJ and see where she ran off too. Ok Nikki says as she leaves. I go to my car and start driving searching all around the city for her. I continue for an hour without seeing her. I see a bar and park there and go inside to see if she was there since she always went to a bar when she was sad. I didn't see her so I asked the bartender and he said she left 15 minutes ago after having a lot to drink. He also said that he heard her say something about a bridge. With hearing that I ran to my car driving to the nearest bridge. I got out of my car and walked towards to bridge and I saw my first love, my one true love standing on the edge ready to leave forever. I quickly ran towards her and yelled AJ!
AJ: I look down and shake at the height I'm at. Goodbye world I say and I was about to jump until I heard someone yell my name. I turn around to see Paige on the other side of the railing with tears in her eyes. What are you doing here I ask rudely. To save you she says. Why, just go back to Nikki. I can't she says. Why. Because I love you and if you jump I'll die inside knowing it was my fault she says. You love me still? Of course I do AJ she says as she extends her hand for mine. I grab her hand and step over the railing into her arms. As she holds me while I cry into her shirt. I'm sorry for everything I did. I'm sorry for cheating on you, I'm sorry for being a bitch and getting you pregnant. I just want you back please I plead. Paige looks down at me and kisses me passionately and I respond kissing her passionately back. She breaks the kiss and says I love you. I love you too I respond.
A/N: Well well well. AJ and Paige back together didn't see that coming. What will Paige tell Nikki and what will AJ tell Seth and how will AJ and Paige deal with the child on the way with the father of that child being Seth? I will get an update out before summerslam.

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