Number 32:Dimetrodon

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Coming in at number 32 is the sailed slaughterer Dimetrodon. Dimetrodon was 10-12 ft long and weighed 1ton. Dimetrodon lived before the dinosaurs and was the apex predator of the Permian. Dimetrodon was a monster and it had a pretty cool feature. A huge 3 ft sale sail on its back. Scientists think that the sail was used to warm and cool itself something a reptile today cannot do. Today a reptile such as a crocodile will be underwater or a lizard will be in a cave to keep cool in the morning but at night it will come out and to what it does. Dimetrodon actively hunted day and night. It had long and sharp teeth and claws that could cut through any kind of flesh. Dimetrodon is one of the deadliest animals of all time.

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