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The next two months flew by, and before I knew, Christmas Break was next week.

"Taylor? Can you come here for a sec?" My dad called. I ran down stairs and sat down on the couch next to him.

"So, Christmas Break is next week, but I have a business trip. I'm not gonna be here for Christmas." He said.

What? My dad isn't going to be here for CHRISTMAS?

"So you can either stay here alone, but celebrate with some friends, or you can ask if you can stay with someone for break." He finished.

"Okay. I'll ask some friends." I tried not to show my disappointment. I ran back up to my room and texted Skylar, Evan, and Shawn on a group message.

To Skylar, Evan, and Shawn: Hey guys! my dad is going to be away for Christmas break can I stay with one of you? I know its a lot to ask for but it would be much appreciated:)

I got a reply from them soon later.

From Skylar: sorry but my family and I are going away....:/ sorry

From Evan: im going away too..sorry

From Shawn: im free I just have to see if my parents are ok with it and im sure they will be:)

To the group message: thank you so much shawn!

He texted me a little while later saying that his parents were okay with me staying with them.

"Dad!" I called out.

"Yes, honey?"

"My friend, Shawn, said it was okay if I stayed with him."

"You are staying with a boy? Honey, I don't-"

I interrupted him, "Dad, he's a friend."

"Oh, alright."


My dad left the Sunday that our break started.

The Mendes family welcomed me into their home and showed me around their house. I was going to sleep in Shawn's room, but on the floor of course.

"Let's do something!" I said to Shawn, who was sitting on his bed.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked.

"I don't know. Any ideas?"I asked.

"Ice skating?"

"I can't ice skate."

"Then it's decided, we are going ice skating."

"But I can't."

"I'll teach you."

"Ugh, fine."

We asked Mrs. Mendes to drop us off at the ice skating place. While we were in the car, my favorite song, Good For You by Selena Gomez, came on. I started singing and jamming out. I mean, c'mon it's my jam.
The song ended and Shawn started to clap.

"You can sing! You are really good!" He said.


"We should write a song together!" He said.

"Yeah, maybe."
Shawn got a pair of ice skates for me and him, and we put them on.

We walked to the entrance of the rink. I tried walking onto the rink. It was, well, slippery. Obviously.

"Be careful. Don't slip." Shawn said.

"No promises." I replied. He smiled. His smile will be the death of me.

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