Chapter one!

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"Lucy, wake up you little bitch" Chris nudges me repeatedly until I give him a sign that  I am awake and he can go down stairs and make me pancakes smothered in syrup with some neatly placed berries around the outside as he does every morning.

"What time is it?" I mumble. Flipping a fluffy pillow over my head to block out the sounds of a lawn mower coming from next door.

"11am you lazy git now get up" he hits me around the head with another fluffy pillow because Chris has to have at least 5 different coloured fluffy pillows in every room.

"Who mows their lawn at 11am. It's like your neighbours have no respect for lazy teenagers who wouldn't mind sleeping in until noon but can't because their parents or best friends ruin that for them..." I sit up then grab my phone from my bed side table them unlock it. I turn my head to Chris again. "That was a dig at you by the way" I say.

"No fudge" he walks out the room closing the door behind him. I turn my attention back to my iPhone screen and search through Twitter. I press on the little pen in the corner of my screen and start typing.

"Hmm... What should I do for my next video today guys?" I hit send then wait for replies.

A few come up but always the same every time I ask the world. It's always either A Q&A or a 50 facts about me.
I wouldn't know what to say for a 50 facts about me video that's why I've never done one.

I drop my phone next to me then pull the covers right off me. What could I do today? It's Summer in America right now. So I could Go for a long walk leading no where or actually do something that's worth my time.

"Here" Chris hands me the pancakes. I smell them and as usual smell of golden syrup and fresh berries. "Smells great. Thanks" I sit up and put the plate on my lap then tuck in to these delicious pancakes because wow.

"So I was thinking we could go to that old sweet shop today because I've been craving flying saucers since you got it and we haven't been yet so get up" Chris says. I've only been here a week now. I decided to stay with Chris for a few weeks just to have a break because I'm constantly busy with all this YouTube stuff and having to sort out colleges. Well I mean I've already done that but you know what I mean.

"Also tonight there is an open cinema in the park and guess what it is on!" He cries. "What?!?!" I say with excitement.

"Dirty dancing" he smiles. "We just have to go watch that Lucy dirty dancing is like one of the best films ever created". He's so overly excited it's funny.

"We will. It sounds great. Now exit the room please I need to get changed." I hand him the plate that the pancakes once sat about 2 minutes ago.

I run to the wardrobe and look for what to wear. I take out my pinky beige play suit and some tanned sandals.

I throw them on them throw my hair up into a neat-ish bun. I can never be bothered with my hair in the summer as it just irritates me when it's down. It's just constantly in my face. I do my daily routine. So the cleansing and the moisturiser then followed by the make up.

I shuffle threw my songs I'll I find 'stitches' by shawn Mendes. I have to listen to music while brushing my teeth or I get bored. I have braces now so I have to clean them for like four minutes which is so much effort I'm not even joking.

"You ready?!" Chris shouts up the stairs. I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth then turn the music off. I grab my shoes and money then run down the stairs.

Nearly stumbling down the stairs I just collapse so I can out my shoes on then jump back up. "Let's role like we are sausage rolls" I say. "Wtf" Chris laughs then we slam the door behind us and head the the sweet shop.

Hellllloooooooo!!! (I wander if anyone imagined that being said in a Marcus butler voice...) anyways! Some people asked for the sequel so I write you one! I really hope you like this!

~Becccccaaaaaaaaa ❤️

So Crazy (sequel to Insanely Insane)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang