Chapter three!

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Chris drops the 20 pound bill on the table then pushes back his chair making a squeaking sound that echoes through the restaurant. Does anyone else cringe when they hear that?

I slide away from the table then start walking to the exit of Pizza Hut. I'm so full right now I just want to sleep. I'm so lazy, I have no motivation at all I can't really be asked to go out to be honest.

I flip into the seat then just lay there not moving. I raise my arm to the CDs next to me then take out The Vamps album. It's a random choice but it's actually really good. I saw the Vamps lasts year at the O2 and It was amazing but I was devastated they didn't sing my favourite song 'shout about it'. Ellie was disappointed too. It's a good song.

I push it into the CD player then skip to number 8 and lay back again. 'You okay?' Chris turns around backing out of the car space.

'Yuh huh' I sit back up then stare out the window. I stare into space but I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Chris slams on the breaks. I feel my head smack into the window next to me and a horrible feeling shoot down my spine...

'Oh my god are you okay? Lucy?!' Chris shouts at me. I try to move my head towards him but my neck hurts. 'I can't move my neck. I hit my head' I say.

'I heard the smack Lucy I'm not deaf. Just don't move and just stay there.'

I glance out of the window again and see the sweet shop I was talking about the other day. The one where me and Chris used to go to all the time. I look to my left and see a few people standing there just watching. I take no notice of it then Chris gets back into the car. I hear loud sirens and see flashing lights...


'What happened?' I turn to Chris holding something cold on my head, sitting in an ambulance to the hospital I guess?

'A kid ran out in front of the car, I slammed on the brakes and you of course didn't have your seat belt on' he says worried.

'Why are we going to the hospital? I'm fine. I just hit my head although my neck does hurt a-bit' I sigh. I hate hospitals, I find them depressing and just scary. Of course they help me but they just scare me.

The ambulance stops and the doors swing open.


Chris walks me out of the hospital holding two Hot chocolate and then reaches into his pocket taking out his phone. He calls for a taxi so I just sit on this pole thing. I'm not completely sure what is it but I'm leaning on it.

I look around and so many people are staring at me. I saw one girl take a picture of me... I've been spotted.

I take my hot chocolate from Chris then just hold it in my hands as its freezing for some reason. It is dark right now but just so cold... For the next 10 minutes we just wait there. Chris put his jacket over me then just told there waiting for the taxi.

It eventually arrives and I slide into it. Putting my seat belt on first. I even saw Chris check just in case.

My neck just aches now and I have a huge headache. Which is expectable. I did hit my head on glass.

When I get home I run to the house, unlock the door then just walk up the stairs slowly then plop onto my bed talking one of the antibiotics the doctor gave me.

Grabbing my pjs then getting changed into them was so much effort. I brush my teeth then switch my tv on. I have this thing where the tv has to be on or I get paranoid about noises and convince my self there is a ghost in my room.

I grab my phone from my jeans pocket and scroll through my messages. News travels fast I guess. A picture of me standing outside of the hospital and the car is on Twitter and I'm being tagged in it uncontrollably.

My mums called me at least twenty times so I call her back then put it on speaker because I'm too lazy for this shit.

'Lucy? Are you okay?!?! Oh my god I was so worried! I saw those pictures that Ellie showed me, why haven't you picked up anyone who has called you. I even got Brooklyn to call you to see if you would pick up!' My mum yells slightly so worriedly down the phone.

'Im fine mother. I just hit my head because this kid ran in front of Chris's car while we were driving back from pizza hut' I say.

'You nearly gave me a heart attack. Everyone was so worried. I think it's time you came back now Lucy. You've been gone for a few weeks now. Before you left you didn't even speak to anyone. You were unsociable and just sat in your room speaking to a camera constantly. I didn't mind getting you that camera I thought it would be for photography!' My mother rambles on.

'I was busy mum, with college and YouTube. I didn't have time to speak to anyone so I distanced my self okay and I don't want to come back mum' I protest down the phone.

'Come on Lucy, it's Ellie's birthday soon. You can't miss that. Chris should come too! I haven't seen him in ages' I can tell she's smiling down the phone hopefully.

I avoided everyone for months. By that I mean EVERYONE. I haven't spoken to Brooklyn since that day with Brandon when I nearly lost my Virginity but let's just not get into that.

Maybe I should come back just for Ellie's birthday but I do have to stay there then. I say goodbyes to my mum and remind her at least three times that I'm fine then walk down the stairs.

' I was just going to bring you up a hot water bottle. What are you doing out of bed?' Chris says holding a fluffy pink hot water bottle.

'Would you come with me to London? Mum wants me to come back and you should come!' I say hopefully.

'Errrrr I don't know Lucy' he says curious. 'Why not??' I disappointedly say.

'I'll think about it okay? Now get into bed but you can't go to sleep. I'll be up in five minutes...'

So Crazy (sequel to Insanely Insane)Where stories live. Discover now