Nekos: Windicuffs (jake/john)

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The little dark blue eyed, black hair neko was sitting in a cardboard box while he  watched the slightly older forest green eyed half human, half cat. The green eyed boy in question was currently cleaning the dirty dishes they had used that morning for breakfast. Despite the fact Jake was currently busy and would soon be done with his chore, john still really wanted his mate's attention and he didn't want to wait for it. John stretched out in his box and scrunched up his nose as he tried to think of something he could do...

John grinned as he got an idea. He sat up and looked at the green eyed boy. John put on the most pitiful look he could muster and mewled loudly. Jake immediately paused what he was doing, mewling usually either meant that John was either in need of something... Explicit or in other cases he was in trouble, such as he got stuck somewhere.
Jake turned to look over at the boy in his cardboard box, he didn't look hurt... "What do you want, John?" Jake asked "I'm nearly finished with this... Can it wait?"
John mewled again "I want to cuddle with you now though!" Jake blinked. Time to add that to the list of reasons why John mewls. Jake sighed softly "I want to cuddle too, John. And we will! But I really need to finish this" Jake gestured to the large stack of plates "can't it wait?" John whined. Jake sighed "If I wait then I'll never get it done! You'll want something tonight after dinner and I won't be able to clean them then either!" Jake explained with a somewhat annoyed expression. John grumbled and slouched down, defeated and irritated that he couldn't get his mate's attention the way he wanted. Jake ignored the small boy as he went back to cleaning the dishes, sighing at how long it was taking. John looked around before he got up and walked over to the coffee table. He looked at Jake as he pushed a pile of magazines to the floor.
Jake heard the flop of magazines falling on the floor and he rolled his eyes "pick those up, John."
The black haired boy narrowed his eyes at Jake and hissed. Jake swung around and hissed back at John. He stalked over to John. The small boy's eyes widened slightly realising he stepped out of place. He bowed his head slightly, admitting defeat. Jake pushed John up against the wall "Don't hiss at me." He growled before roughly biting johns neck, letting his fangs sink into John's pale skin.
John cried out in pain and pleasure, squirming when Jake eventually drew back "Go fix that." John nodded quickly and scurried off. He wanted to please Jake and John honestly deserved his punishment. He was being a brat.
John went to the bathroom and looked at the mark, it was bruised and bleeding pretty badly. John got a bandaid, two tissues and some rubbing alcohol. John pressed one of the tissues to the wound and made sure it wasn't bleeding as much before he cleaned it with the rubbing alcohol. After he put on his bandaid and threw away his trash, he slowly edged out to where Jake was. He had gone back to cleaning the dishes and was nearly done with them. John silently crept over to the magazines that were still laying on the floor. John quickly picked them up and put them on the table. Once John finished he admired his work, squeaking when he suddenly felt arms around him. John relaxed when he realised it was just Jake.
The little blue eyed boy giggled and purred as Jake nuzzled into his neck "good boy~" He murmured against john's neck. Jake shifted so he was flush up against John. The blue eyed boy's tail wrapped around the older boy's leg. Jake smiled and let his own tail do the same to John.

The two boys stayed like that for a few moments until John turned around and kissed Jake hard on the lips. The brunette smirked and kissed John back just as hard, making this kiss rougher as he pushed John down on the couch. He broke this kiss, making John whimper. "Uh uh uh! You said you wanted to cuddle. Not tussle" John huffed but let the larger boy curl up on him. Eventually John started enjoying the cuddles and closed his eyes.

Soon the two boys were fast asleep, holding each other tight.

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