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Jake gave a small smile of victory as he looked at the battlefield in front of him, gripping his arm to stop the blood dripping from his wound.

They had done it. They beat the game. His friends were beat up but they were alive.

Jake froze in realisation. Where was dirk...?

Jake swallowed hard and turned to look around. What he saw scared him half to death.

Laying a few feet from Jake was none other than dirk... The love of his life... He had a deep sword wound in the middle of his stomach. It was obvious that dirk was conscious but he was dying.

Jake swallowed hard and slowly walked over to dirk. He knelt down and cradled the boys upper body and head.

Dirk's stunning orange eyes slowly opened and looked up at Jake.

The brunette bit his lip. He loved it when dirk didn't have his glasses on but now it just felt like a punch in the face. Like, here. You can see your lovers eyes without him being self conscious about it but he'll have to be dying.

Jake started tearing up in revelation that Dirk was dying, he was going to be dead soon and there was nothing they could do about it. There was no such thing as a doctor here and once the game ended, everyone lost their powers which was expected but that meant that no one could heal dirk.

This was the end...

It was time to say goodbye to his best friend...

Large tears started rolling down Jake's face "D-dirk, please... Please don't leave me... I love you... I-I don't know what I'll do without you..." Jake's lip wobbled as he tried to stop the tears but he couldn't help it. Jake knew his words wouldn't help Dirk and probably only made him feel worse. He imagined being dirk in that moment and having the White, numbing pain along with the pain of having his heart broken from his boyfriend's words.

Dirk shakily reached up and started wiping away Jake's tears with his thumb "D-don't cry, Jake" he murmured out "don't ruin those pr-pretty eyes because of me" he breathed "I'm not worth your tears" he said even softer.

Jake squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip "Dirk..." He mumbled. The blonde suddenly pulled Jake down and kissed him on the lips.

To be honest it was the worst kiss he'd ever had. Jake could tell that dirk was trying to press harder and be rougher but he no longer had the energy. They were at an awkward angle making it uncomfortable and their lips felt (and tasted) nasty between the blood and the tears.

And then there was how the kiss ended.

Dirk slowly lost strength until he was limp in Jake's arms.

The Brit slowly pulled away as the tears came back harder than before. "Dirk...?" He questioned, nudging him slightly even though he knew the boy wouldn't move or answer. "Dirk!" He sobbed "Wake up! Wake up you asshole! It isn't fair! Don't do this to me! Don't-dont leave me..."

Jake collapsed over dirk's chest, sobbing heavily. "Y-you weren't-werent supposed to leave m-me..." He mumbled "you-you promised! You promised, Dirk! You promised me you wouldn't leave me!"

Jake wasn't entirely sure what happened, but the next thing he knew, a grim looking John was gently tugging Jake along with him, letting the other continue to cry without a word.

What Jake found our later was that he wasn't the only one suffering over a loss.

Both the striders were lost in battle.

Jane told Jake that John didn't even get any finale words with Dave. John was the first to find him. Jane said John looked like he was going to break down but he hadn't. He had just turned his back on Dave and... And just walked away...

Jake didn't understand how John could have done this. He was positive they were a couple... Even if they had fought... Jake shook out his chain of thoughts.

Jake found himself at John's door. He stared at it for a long moment before knocking lightly on it. There was silence before shuffling and the door slowly opened up "what?" John mumbled, looking up at Jake.

Jake rubbed his arm nervously "I wanted to know how you were doing... Are you holding up okay?"

John looked at Jake for a long moment before he started to close the door. Jake jumped forward and wedged his foot in between the door and the doorjamb "John, please... You'll feel so much better if you talk about it"

John's face hardened "what's the point? Crying and talking about it won't help anything! It won't bring him back! Holding his dead body and crying and kissing him wouldn't have helped him! It doesn't matter!" John angrily turned and stormed further into his room before burying himself in his blankets. Jake swallowed hard and opened the door enough so he could slip in. He closed the door behind him and slowly walked over to John. "If you're okay then why haven't you come out of your room in a week? Have you been eating?"

John was silent for a minute before he whispered a 'no'

Jake looked down at the floor "how about showering?"

John sighed softly "once..."

Jake shifted and gently pulled down the blankets "I know you're not okay, John. You don't have to hide it"

What happened next was definitely not what Jake was expecting.

John started crying, (this wasn't a surprise) and then he suddenly reached up and kissed Jake hard on the lips. Jake's eyes widened but he slowly relaxed and went with it, kissing him back.

John pulled away when his sobs became to hard to keep at bay. Jake gently pulled him into his lap and stared at the ground as the boy cries into his chest.

Did John really like Jake?

Or was he just using Jake as a substitute for Dave?

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