Chapter 4

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Harry: omg!!! LOUIS!!!!

Louis: harry, harry, what's wrong love?

Harry: I want this puppy *insert picture of a little bull dog*

Louis: jeez harry I thought you were in trouble. Don't do that to me :|

Harry: I'm sorry. Isn't it cute?!

Louis: yes harry it is cute. But you know the dorms can't have pets.

Harry: I know :( luckly I don't live on campus then

Louis: you don't?! Where could you possibly live then?

Harry: nah. I don't like to share stuff with a stranger. So I got my own flat a mile from campus.

Louis: you lucky son of a gun.

Harry: ;)

(Harry has signed off)


I know there short but a lot of stories are like this. Let's get 10 reads on this chapter too?!

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