Chapter 40

50 7 1

Half way to 900!!


Louis: Why are you being like this?! I did nothing to you.

Niall:No you didnt, but I'm not having Harry date someone who doesn't want to see him.

Louis: you know damn well I was planning to see him. You agreed on helping and your stabbing me in the back.

Niall: From what harry knows you don't want to see him and was planning nothing. That's the way its going to be.

Louis: I will get him niall if you like it or not.

Niall: Too bad he choose me over you then.

Louis: What are you talking about?

Niall: Well let's just say he had a choice me or you. Obviously he choose me.

Louis: You hated me from day one haven't you!?

Niall: Oh yes, when harry told me he was making a dating profile I flipped. Got very overprotective, watching out for him. Making sure he doesn't choose the wrong guy. As from what I see he definitely choose the wrong guy.

Louis: I can't believe you did this to me. You knew my feelings torward him and you do this. What made you like this?

Niall: Harry promised me back in high school that if he was still single by this first year of uni he would go out with me. Now that he has met someone who he likes and could love and marry. I have to stop it from happening so here I am stopping it from happening.

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