Cheptar wan

58 9 12

im on mi way to starbukz wen SUDDENLY

a mop of carly hair push into me, droppin a hot pumpkin spice latte all over me

"OMFG WTF CORBIN BLEU I THOT I TOLD U WERE OVAR o weit ur not corbin blue" i sey as i twarl mi fingar in mi green heir

"oo whets ur name bootiful" he say as i luk into his booger green orbz

"my nem is twinkie bubblegum sparkletits cherrycola chicken nuggets smith"

"a bootifal nem 4 a bootifal garl" he sey as he kiss mi hand. I GIGAL and flush leik a toilet

"whet that" he sey as he luk at cuts on mi wrist

"oh thet nuthin"

"no tell me!1!1!" he scream, pinning me to a rendom wall tht hapen to appir

"lel ok. my dad is a drunk alcoholic nd my mem is a fukin slut nd she abuse me everyday nd mek me eat cat food but shiz not mi ril mam shes me stepmom mi ril mam ran away 12 yrs ago on a trein 2 china wit jackie chang nd mi dad hit me nd rape me bc i look leik her also i get bullid in sk00l 4 bein ugly and fet" i cried

I sob uncantrallibli onto his shart nd he rub on mi beck "shhhh it will b ok" he say

"will u b my garlfrin"

I gasp until i chok on a fly is dis rlly happyning this bathrum mop is asking me to b his garlfrin???!11!1!

"ID LUV 2 also whet is ur nem"

he luk shock tat i didn no his nem

"herry stilz" he whispar glencing arund

"HERRY STILZ?!1!1!!1" an ugly fengurl screem running 2wards us with an army of 23848482839 othur ugly snotty fens

"Run!!1!1!!1" he scrim bat it wuz 2 late 4 they had cot us nd pounced on us lik angry hounds

wan ov dem punch mi in tha boob nd then it all goes bleck..............


Jus Anther Herry Stilz Fenfic {h. S)Where stories live. Discover now