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so eny wey henri den flew us whit his butthole to da big red bus were i wer 2 mit hiz bandmits

"im nervis"

'whey bby'

"bc no one lieks me not evin mi mam nd im ugly"

'no its ok Thats What Makes u Bootifal"

I stert to gigal until somwan opan da door

"oh hi" a boi wit floppi heir nd blu grin orbz sed as he winkd at mi nd munchd on hiz carrot

"hi" i blush nd he wink agen lol doz hi hav an ey dizeez r whet

"cum in" he sed nd push me in but littal did i kno he waz kissin henri behind mi back nd fingerin his sparkli booty hole

i nod nd look arund

"HI WERE ONE DARECTASHANED" dey all sey in da sem tim makin me lauff nd dey all turn hart eyz like dis 😍

"i'm neil" da boi wit da blu eyz wiring grin leprechaun cloz sed

"i'm zen" a quiet mysterus mexicun said omg mayB hel make me burritos

"im lime" da irrelevant boi wit da brown eyes nd brown heir sed but i ignor him hes irrelevant

"im-" but b4 i cud continu henri cem frum bhind me nd growled his eyz turnin yello omfg SCOTT MCALLERID IS DAT YOU?!1!1!1!1

"Mine" he cut me off

omfg is he jelly

"whatever" nail sed usherin me to da kishen, "lets maek sandwhichz"

i nod bc dats literilli all i do all da teim dis author wuz so lazi wit da charectar treits i s2g

we go to da kitshun n bt den nailpolish stahp me "weit, i wanna tell u smthn"

I gasp "what"

"I didnt cum her 2 make sandwhiches i cAEM HIR 2 MAEK BBIES!1!1!!1!1!" he scrim befor takin off his pents nd rivilim his sparkli green penis lelz it luks liek a pickel

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" henri berj into da rum nd sterted 2 growel uncontrollibli b4 turnin into a werewolf OMG

he howled nd then jumped on da quartar neked nail befor nail suddnli startd to hev a seizur nd his pickel wuz spinin wildly OMFG he's turnin into a.......................,...................................................................,::.:,,......................:...................................................:.....






a fairy?????!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1


Why am i writing this and more importantly why tf are you reading this are you ok

Jus Anther Herry Stilz Fenfic {h. S)Where stories live. Discover now