chapter 11

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   Now some moths have gone by and the guys have been doing so well with the albums. By the time 9 months get here the album will be done for sure. The girls were now already 5 months pregnant and they have been saaving like crazy. In the process they have been getting the baby room all sent up as well. The girls now wanted to go into the doctor's office and find out what they were gonna be having so they could set up a baby shower together.They had to also start picking out names for the baby as well.
  Today was gonna be the day they all find out what they are gonna have. This was gonna be such an exciting day for al of them. When they all find out they were gonna meet each other at Megan's house to reveal what they are gonna have together. They didn't wanna do this over the phone. That would be no fun.

Kat and Luke's house:
Kat: So excited about today. Just can't wait to get there and find out what we are gonna have.
Luke: I'm excited to find ot as well. This will be exciting to finally know what we are having soon as we get there.
Kat: Yeah,just hope we don't have to wait long at all. wanna just get in and get done.
Soon as they got done getting dressed they went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Megan and Hunter's House:
  Megan and Hunter were so excited when they jumped out of bed this morning. They were finally gonna find out the sex of the baby was gonna be. This was exciting news to new parents.
Hunter: so, are you so excited to find out what the sex of the baby is gonna be?
Megan; Yeah, this will be so exciting when we get there and find out, but first we need to go downstairs and eat breakfast first since we are now done getting ready.
So, they went down and got there breakfast made and ate.
When it was time to leave Kat and Luke got in the car and left to go to the appointmet. They wanted to be there on time , so they could be there and get right in there. When they parked the car in the parking lot they got out and walked inside. They walked up to the office window and signed in. When they went to sit down the nurse came out and called them back to see the doctor already.
The nurse: The doctor will be right with you in a few minutes.
Luke: Ok... thats fine.
Kat: Can't wait for this doctor to come in right now. wanna get this started already.
Luke: I know. Once you get in here they like to make you sweat it out for like 10 minutes.
Kat; That is so true right now. Cause i am sweating. Might just be getting some hot flashes i think.
Luke: I think you are cause it's not hot in here right now.
They just sat there and talked while they were waiting.
  Meanwhile, Megan and Hunter got in the car and headed over to the doctor's office as well. Their appointment was after Kat and Luke were done, so they would never see each other til later that day. If they would end up seeing each other there they would wanna tell each other right there then wait til later.
  Just then the doctor walked into Kat and Luke's room to do the doctor's visit with them. When he did Luke and Megan came in the building and signed in.
Dr. Colt: So are you two here to find out the sex of the baby today?
Kat: Yes, we are so excited to find out what we are gonna have today.
Mr. Colt: ok lets do a sonogram and find out what's going on in there.
With that he did the sonagram.
Luke: so, what do you see in there?
Mr Colt: I see you two are gonna be having a boy.
Kat: I'm so excite and that's what Luke wants to have as well.
Mr. Colt: Well, that's good you to want to have a boy cause tthat's what you go. Now you don't have to come back unless something is wrong.
With that they left.
  Soon as the doctor got done seeing Kat and Luke he went into see Megan and Hunter.
Mr. Colt; So, are you two here today to find out the sex of the baby?
Megan: Yeah...we are.
Mr colt: That's good to here. Let's take a sonagram and see what's going on right now.
He had her lay down so she could do the sonagram.
Mr Colt: Ah oh!!!!
Megan: What's wrong? That doesn't sound good Hunter.
Hunter: Calm down til he tells us what's going on right now.
Megan: ok
Mr. Colt: Just found something that was't there before. Sometimes a baby can hide behind the other one and we don't see it until late or not til delivery time. I can tell you right now the baby is visable like the other one and you two are having twin girls.
Hunter: Wow!!! this is crazy exciting to hear.
They both were so excited to be hving twins. They wanted to have two kids, but not this close. But shit happens sometimes. Now they were so excited to get to tell Kat and Luke about it soon.
  When they all goot done with their appointments they had to go to work. Kat was really hatinng that she still couldn't model, yet. It will be worth it once she had the baby because she really wants kids soon in life. Soon as Kat got to work today her boss came up to her and told her to come to his office for a minute because he wanted to tak to her about something.
Boss: I would like to to do ssome modeling for the mothers to be shoot. We need to make a clothing line for the mothers who will be expecting a baby.
Kat: Sure!!! I have no problem doing that for you.
Boss: Well, you start today then.
With that they went to get her ready for the photo shoot today.
  When Megan was at work she didn't do a whole lot because she was pregnant with the baby. She did  managing and things like that, so she don't hurt herself or the baby. That would be a law suite on the company if something should happen to her. The workplace couldn't afford that on their end.

Later that evening:
  Later that evening when everyone got off work they went straight over to Megan's house like they planned on doing to reveal the sesx of the baby to each other. The girls were so excited to do so. They were also gonna have some dinner with them as well to celebrate the babies coming soon. When Kat and Luke arrived at the house they parked the car in their drive way and went up to the door and knocked on it. Megan came straight to the door and answered it.
Megan: Hey!!!! come on in. We are glad you could make it right now. We would like for you to come in the kitchen first so we could eat.
Kat: That sounds good. I'm hungery. Best to save the good news for after we eat because everyone should be really hungery right now from work.
Hunter: staving right now.
So, with that they went and sat down at the dinner table to eat their food. they tried not to talk abmout the babies until they wwere finished with everything.
  When they all got done eating they went to the livingroom to talk about the good news now.
Hunter: Now who would likke to go first with their good news?
Luke: Why don't you and Megan go ahead and tell your news first since this is your house.
Hunter:Ok..sounds like a good idea.
Megan: Well, the doctor told us sometimes babies hide behind other babies and they don't know until they are born sometimes or like now when the baby wants to be visable. With all that said we are gonna have twin girls.
They both cngradulated them on the two babies.
Kat: We are having a boy. This is what Luke wanted all along.
They were so happy about this for them as well. Now let the rest of the journey rnide along safe.

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