chapter 3

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  Today was the day that the boys were both gonna be working the studios to get there careers back up and running again. This was such a good thing. The guys were both gonna go crazy if their careers didn't start again. This was a great thing. Everything in their lives are going good so far since they got married on the cruise.
  Luke was up bright and early to go into the studio. Kat came down into the kitchen to get some breakfast before she left the house. She was gonna get some coffee, bacon, eggs and toast.
" So, are you excited to be going back to the studio today??"
" So, stocked to be going back to further my career now. This means big changes for both of us. "
" Yes, just your so right bout that now. Megan and Hunter, too, cause he's back in the studio, too. "
" I know that as well. I'm happy for both of them as well. Hey, got to go to work. See you when I get home. Love you! "
" Love you, just too. "
With that they both left to go to work.
  Megan and Luke were already headed to work when Kat and Luke finally left to go to work. They were hoping today was going to be good. Luke had no idea what would be in store when he got to the studio. The girls didn't know all what was going to go on either. Things could Chang at any time of the day.
  When Luke finally got to the studio, he was so excited to see it again. He was glad to finally be back there to start singing for his fans once again.
" Hey, Luke, are you glad to finally back in the studio now?" Will asked
" Yes, I can't wait to get back to work now. I enjoy it a lot." Luke answered
" That's good. Let's go sit down and get started reading the lyrics for the first song on the album." Will said
  Meanwhile, Megan was at home today. She forgot that this was going to be her day off. She didn't know what to do with herself. She was used to going to work at the place she loved a lot. So, she walked around the house for a little bit to see what needed to be done. This was not going to be too hard cause the house wasn't dirty. She decided to look in the kitchen and see what she could cook or get an idea. When she finally got an idea she head to the store to get what she needed.
  While she was shopping she got a phone call. It was only 11am. She couldn't believe it was working. On her day off. So, she answered the phone.
" We need you to come to work for a little while today. "
" What's wrong?? Thought it was my day off. I'm out grocery shopping with my family today. "
" Well, it's only going to be till 3pm because I have to do something and I'll be right there. "
" Ok. I'll take the food home and I'll be right there. "
With that she paid for the food and loaded it in the car to head home.
  She had to be at work fast to release her boss. She did everything fast as possible, so she could get to work fast. While she was going to be there she was going to be getting paid for it. That was a good thing. It wouldn't be right if she was there to do it for free.

Text time:
Megan: hey have 2g2 gwork till 3pm
Sorry the boss needs me for something that needs done
Hunter: that's fine
Magen: will make dinner when I get home
Love you!!!
Hunter: love you, too!!!!

  Soon as she got to work she went to the bosses office and clocked in and went straight to work. He left in a hurry to get where he needed to be. She was already doing what she knows to do when she normally work.
  Kat was having such a good day at the photo shoot studio doing what she loves. The photos were coming out really good. She got to help with picking out all the photos for the magazine.
" Now we are done with the magazine photo shoot. Just have to sit back and wait for the approval from them and then it will be on the shelf in 3 days which will be Monday."
" This is gonna be awesome when its all finished finally."
" Yes, then you will be famous. This is a good thing for your career."
" Yes, I wanna move with this and be my best."
" So, they will be here soon to pick up the envelope of pictures and go look them over and decide if they are good or we will have to try again. Let's hope we don't have to."
  When 3pm rolled around Megan got off work just like promised. So, she hurried home to go cook dinner like she planned. She wanted Hunter to come home to a good cooked meal today since she had some time to do that for him. He cooked some meals for her already since they been married which was nice of him to do. He was gonna be home around 5pm. Dinner will be done probably after that a bit.
  Around 4pm Luke and Kat came home from work. Now they both were gonna be able to cook dinner together. This should be nice to do. They haven't got to do that just, yet.
"So, wanna cook dinner together tonight for the first time?" Luke asked
" Sure, sounds like a good plan. That will give us a chance to talk bout something." Kat replied
With that they went in the kitchen to start dinner and talk.
" OK. What do you wanna talk bout?" Luke asked
" Why don't we hire a maid? " she suggested
" that don't sound to bad since we are so busy all the time with work." He agreed
" Well, have tomorrow off. I can hire someone tomorrow." She said
" why do you have tomorrow off for?" He asked
" Because my boss turned the pictures in from the photo shoot today. Now we have to wait for the results to come in and see if we have to redo them again ." she explained
" OK. Sounds like a good plan. " he agreed
With that they ate.
Soon as Hunter got home at 5pm Megan was just finishing up dinner for them.
" Hey, I'm home from work now." He said and gave her a kiss.
" Just bout done with dinner give it just about 15 mins ." she told him
" That'll give me just enough time to talk to you bout us having a maid with the busy lives we have right now." He said
" Would we be able to still shop for ourselves?" She asked all concerned bout that.
" Yes, shop and prepare the meals, so all she will have to do is cook them all for us each and everyday. How does that sound? " he proposed
" I think that sounds like a great plan. I'll have to start looking tonight online and stuff. She answered all excited bout it now."
So, with that they went to eat dinner.

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