Chapter One

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"Mmm that smells good!!" I turned around and saw my brother Matthew walk in. "I'm making my all- famous brownies with raspberry frosting". I said. "Can I have some later?" At this point he was on his knees. "Your acting like your four, and your eight." I pointed out. "Well, your eighteen and your acting like your twenty. "He said. "PLEASE!!" He screamed "fine fine fine I'll save you some. But Annie and Tom get some first" I said as I shooed him away. These brownies are for them. Annie is my best friend, and I MAY have a small crush on Tom. Okay, a big crush. But, he's already dating someone else, so I mine as well screw that idea.
See, I want to go to culinary school in New York. CIA, the Culinary Institute of America. I loved cooking, and my one dream is to go there after I graduated from high school.

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