Chapter Four

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I laid out all the ingredients for Mac and cheese with bacon. "Cheese, pasta, flour, butter. Check" I said to myself. I made the cream sauce and poured it over the hot pasta. "Yum" Matthew said as he watched me pour the pasta into a pan. I sprinkled it with breadcrumbs and butter and put it in the oven. "Smells good already." I said. "Okay, now in making my blueberry pie for dessert," I told Matthew. He loved pie. I mean he really loves pie. He could eat one by himself if he wanted to. I started with making the crust. Flour, eggs, sugar, ice water. I mixed it and made the blueberry. Matthew took a spoon and ate some of the blueberries. "Really?" I said. We both laughed. I assembled the pie and put it in The oven, above the Mac and cheese. Ding! I looked over my phone. It was Annie. She sent me a link. I washed my hands and opened the link. I read it. It was an opportunity to get into CIA! All you had to do was send a video to them making a dish that you liked. Totally I texted. Tysm!! No problem. Annie texted back.
Tomorrow, I was going to make that video and send it in. It was finally an opportunity to go to CIA!!!!!
Ding! I opened the oven door and took out the Mac and cheese. I left the pie in for a few minutes and then took it out.
"Dinner!!" I yelled. I heard stomping coming down from the stairs. Everyone sat down around the table. "Mmm this is good! Good job Julia!" My dad commented. "Thanks!" I said. I told them about the video for CIA. "So are you going to do it?" My mom asked. "Yup." I said. I was excited to shoot that video!!

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