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I sat up, startled as my phone went off, buzzing. I reached out and grabbed it before it could fall off the nightstand. I swiped the lockscreen, wincing at the light. The time, seven in the morning. Im going to kill whoever woke me up.

So what time?

u asShole.


Nice grammars by the way, Owl Boy.

I furrowed my eyebrows, annoyed.

Fuck you.

How is he even up? He bitches about wanting sleep only for him to wake himself, and me, up four hours later? I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

You wish man.


How about in an hour?

I threw my covers off and I stood up, running a hand through my hair.

You just woke me up, I won't be ready.

Don't do your hair, you'll be out of the house in fifteen minutes.

Fuck that, I just won't get dressed.

Lol, see ya there.


I dropped my phone onto the floor, yawning. I grabbed the hoodie off of the end of my bed and pulled out some jeans and briefs, wanting to take a shower before going anywhere. When I looked into the mirror in my bathroom, the first thing I saw was the bags under my eyes.

I was used to seeing them, yeah, but I wanted to look my best, becuase why not? I rubbed at them, but that only made them red. I huffed, grasping the edges of the sink as I stared at myself. Ugh, so ratchet. I grinned, shaking my head. I always looked like crap in the mornings, drained of sleep and emotion, but it gets better when I start to mentally wake up.

I dropped my clothes onto the sink before shedding my dirty ones and getting into the shower.

Afterwards, I had slipped on the clothes before walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a backpack off of the counter and put my wallet, a bottle of water, and my keys into it. I grabbed an extra shirt in case I got too hot and stuffed it in also. I left the pack in the kitchen before going and getting my shoes on. I glanced into the bathroom mirror one more time, playing with my hair. I gave a huff, leaving it messy and damp before getting my phone and grabbing the backpack. I opened the front door before turning around and looking over everything, making sure I didn't forget something before I saw the beanie laying on the table. I grabbed it and put it in the bag before locking my door and shutting it behind me.


I coughed into my sleeve as I walked down the street, going the regular way to the coffee shop I've agreed to meet Delirious at. I slipped my hand into my hoodie pocket, the other grasping onto the strap of my backpack that I had thrown around my shoulder.

I'm still nervous and a teeny-tiny bit scared, hell, my hands are slightly shaking, but I couldn't help but be excited at the same time. I'm going to meet Delirious. I'll be the first one to unmask that quirky lunatic and I'll see what he looks like. I mean, Luke knows, but that didn't count because childhood connections just aren't fair.

I pulled my phone out and looked at the time, eight o' three. I cursed Delirious and his weird schedule before wondering just how long he had been living in Canada without us, the guys, knowing. He probably told Luke to keep quiet about it, too. I huffed, a small frown on my face as I thought about it. Maybe he didn't tell me because he didn't want this to happen, maybe he didn't want to meet me, but couldn't say no in front of all the guys. He could've, so I don't really understand why he wouldn't decline. I pushed a stray strand of black hair out of my face with a quiet huff, looking up as I tried to stuff the phone back into my hoodie pocket.

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