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"Window seat or nah?" He shrugged before going ahead and sitting down, facing the window. We had gotten our food and found a table with dual high chairs to sit at. "I still can't believe you manipulated me into buying you food," I mumbled as I sat down opposite to Jon. "I didn't! I just found a loop in the rules," he snickered as he stuck a piece of black-pepper chicken and some rice into his mouth. "What rules? You didn't give any!"

He grinned at me from across the table,"Rea'y? I reca' ellin' you-"

I threw my straw at his face and laughed when he flinched backwards, stopping his sentence. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to speak with your mouth full?" I said sassily. He rolled his eyes and rose an eyebrow before bringing the fork up to his mouth slowly. "What are y-Wait no, fuck, don't!" I covered my eyes with a disgusted grin as he dumped all the chewed food from his mouth back onto the fork. "Ewwww," I moaned, giggling. "I, mister Canasian, am from the south, where we hold full conversations while deep-throating barbecue, thank you," He said matter-of-factly. "Okay, okay, just-just put that shit back into your mouth," I pleaded, still covering my eyes. I peaked after a couple seconds, to see him grinning at me with an empty fork in hand. "You're so gross," I muttered, picking up my own fork and dipping it into my food before bringing it back up to my face. He opened his mouth to say something, but when he inhaled he started coughing and hacking. "Hah! Karma, bitch!"

He banged his fist on the table as he started choke-laughing,"S-shu' up, assho'."

I shook my head, laughing as he finally calmed down,"Thats what you get for cheating!"
"But it made you smile, so it was worth it," he mumbled quietly before he sipped at his coke. I feigned an oblivious look and glanced up at him innocently,"Hmm?"

He looked back at me, wearing the same face,"Huh? I didn't say anything." I shrugged, going back to my food. There was a lingering silence for a couple of minutes as we ate. I took the time to think about what he said. What did he mean by that? I've been smiling all day, why was that one so special? Why-

I felt my bowl being pryed away from my hands, only to be replaced by another. "What the fuck, give me mine back!"

Jon pouted,"But I wanted to try your-" He looked down at it with a quizzical frown for a few seconds,"Whatever this is?"

"No!" I reached for my bowl, only for it to be picked up and moved farther away from me. "Stoooop," I whined,"Our height differences aren't fair!" Jon only grinned and shrugged a little,"Oh well."

"Ugh," I muttered, looking at the food that replaced mine. "Do I eat this?"

"No," he scoffed sarcastically," I just want you to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't run away." I looked back down at the bowl and began to stare at it with a straight face. "Evan, just fucking eat it."

"Fine," I grumble, picking up the fork that was in it. "Did you... use this?"

Jon looked at me with a confused face,"It is my fork." I held it out for him, only for him to shrug it away. "It's fine," he said," you can use it."

I slowly shook my head," No, because now its all contaminated." "With what?" He deadpanned. "Y'know, with your spit," I muttered.

He rolled his eyes,"Ohmygod, Evan. Haven't you ever kissed someone? Its like that, but not, because the saliva is dry and we aren't kissing. Its fine." I looked down at the fork with disgust, still not convinced it was safe. "Evan," I heard, and I looked back up, only to see Jon a couple inches from my face. I yelped, and leaned backwards quickly, backing into my chair. "How do you keep doing that!?"

He grinned slightly,"You have to learn how to be sneaky if ya' wanna spy on your sister and her boyfriend."

"You're so... weird," I muttered, making him snort. "Of course, normal people are boring. Well, not all of them. You're mom for inst-"

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