Chapter 3

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I was frantically shoving all of my clothes in my suitcase, leaving all of my old and torn clothes behind for the fear that I'd make a bad impression. This job could change my life forever. I could finally have money in the bank. I could finally have freedom to buy the things that I needed and even wanted.

Jack surprised me by saying that I needed to be ready and on the plane by 6 the next morning. Then again, I don't think I could go another night without food.

Finally, all of my clothes were in my bag, along with a charger for my Nokia and personal hygiene products. My older brother would stay at my place and pay the small rent because he could afford it.

With my bag behind me, I headed out of the door to meet Jack.


"Have you ever been on a plane before, Alex?" Jack asked me, probably noticing that my hand was shaking.

"Not at all." I took my lip between my teeth, anxiety peaking as the flight attendant explained what to do if we were to have a crash.

"It's really not a big deal. You have a better chance dying from a coconut falling on your head then a plane crash." Jack assured. I nodded, but the information did nothing for me as my mind raced with possibilities.

For the rest of the flight Jack and I barely talked. Sometimes he would stare off in front of him and dislocate from his surroundings. These small spells would last around 5 minutes before he'd shake his head harshly and text someone from his phone. My nerves had chilled about the plane and moved onto this new job. I didn't look like a model, that's for sure. I wouldn't even know what to do with my hands.

I don't know why Jack chose me to do this job when my looks were only average. He could have let me go that day and not cared about the fact that I was struggling. Something about all of this last minute stuff seemed sort of sketchy to me but I kept on dismissing it as my anxiety trying to talk me out of doing something good for me.

The flight attendant came back over the intercom to tell people to fasten their seat belts as the plane started to descend down to land. But for some reason I wasn't worried as the plane went down. I was more worried about my new life in a new state and with new people.

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