Chapter 7

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Authors note
Ok so idk if I have talked about warnings before in the previous chapter's but I need to address drug warnings a lot throughout this book. This book is based on drugs and I don't know if I mentioned that before. I think I've addressed rape warnings, but those are more serious and will be address when they come up. Also, be expecting more updates soon because I'm getting back into writing after taking a long needed break. Expect more books soon too!!! I love you :)))

Alex's POV

I felt the thick liquid sludge through my veins as jack stared at me straight in my eyes. Soon one Jack became two Jack's. Three Jack's, four. I can't even keep my head off the fucking floor.

All I wanted was a new beginning. Before I called Jack, I remember the possibilities of this new modeling job flowing through my head. I imagined me having a life that i see on instagram, but how did i not see this was too good to be true? how could i be so naive?

A week before this experience maybe I would've been okay with dying, but for some reason my whole outlook on life has altered to the point of all I'm concerned about it getting out of this place.

Jack was right, Jeremy was hard. He hit and slapped and bit when I didn't want to be touched at all. I was surprised he even prepped me before going like he did inside of me. I felt dirty. I felt like a filthy whore as he repeatedly belittled me.

The thick substance was working. Alll of my thoughts were no longer screaming in my head, they now were a dull whisper over the ringing in my ears.

I liked it.

I liked it a little too much. So much that when I felt the effects start to wear off, I wanted to scream for Jack to get back in here and shoot me up once more. I've never been addicted to anything really. I always stayed away from drugs and only drink occasionally. But this is why people told me to stay away from them. Because this affect isn't too bad, and I find myself wanting more than this. If I'm in this hell, then I might as well make the best out of it.

Slowly, I felt myself start to get frustrated as the ringing in my ears dulled and my vision began to focus. I closed my eyes and tried to convince myself I was just as high as before.

The pain that Jeremy had made me go through was coming back and I was no longer numb. I just wanted to be numb again, but if someone else was in the situation then they would feel the same. Anything to mask the reality of no longer getting the new beginning you wanted. No longer being able to check emails from my parents wishing me the best even though they knew I wasn't even close to it. I would go back to my old life, barely making it by and struggling to pay rent, then be locked in the cell with no clue as to what will be happening next.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs, causing me to back up into the far corner of my cage. I did not want to see him, but the idea of someone else's company made my heart warmer than it was before. Soon enough, he was right in front of me, gripping the bars like they were his next victim.

"W-When's the last time you saw me. I-I don't like how this feels." i said .

"It's been about 24 hours you fucking crackhead. Why? Hate being sober?" Jack walked to the cage and wrapped his hands around the bars.

"I hate being here sober, yes." He took a look around my small cage but not once could he look me in my eyes.

Jack frowned.

"I hated it too, ya know. I was treated like shit at school just to come home to a very big but empty house. I sure as hell hated being there sober." Jacks fingers traced along the rusty bars, little bits of metal falling off as he picked at it. The sound of metal scrapping fingernails echoed through the room and now my mind was back to the long needle slowly going into my veins. My fist clenched at the thought .

"Jack, please. If you let me out I won't tell anyone. You know i'm not well-known, it'd be so easy to let me go and forget this ever happened." I beg, looking up at him with doe eyes like i'm a kid asking for something from the toy store. Don't know why i even tried, for someone involved in sex trafficking he sure does hate eye contact.

"Not gonna happen. You must think i'm stupid. I hear that "i won't tell anyone anything" shit all the time and I refuse to live in fear that your big ass mouth won't be able to stay shut." Jack turned his back and started fishing around in a black suitcase in the corner of the room.

My eyes widened as he pulled out a baggie with a bunch of white pills in it. "Fucking dealers always gotta tie the bag like its got a fucking child-lock on it." Jack complained as his fingers tore on the plastic. He finally got the bag untied and pulled out a pill.

"Here, take this." He said, tossing the pill in between the bars of the cage.

"Fuck no. I don't wanna be strung out like you." I snapped. I kept my eyes on the pill though. What i had before wasn't bad, and I sure as hell was bored in this cell. That being said, there was no way I could give him the satisfaction of drugging me up like some little puppet.

"Take the pill or ill call Jermey. He gave you five stars! Said you had the tightest ass he's ever seen." Jack said before he took one of the pills out of the bag and dry swallowed it.

"Okay, okay. I'll take it. Give me the water." shivers ran down my back thinking about having to see Jermey again. I was never into rough sex, and he made me feel so dirty. Jack handed me the water and i ran my hands over the marking of the pill. Oxycodone, the pills i used to give my dad after his surgeries.

"I know these gotta be expensive, so why not just save them for yourself? What's with your weird obsession with getting me fucked up?" He tossed another pill into my cage.

"Keep asking questions and i'll make it to where you can't talk." He said, running his hands through his greasy hair and continuing to look anywhere in the room but at me.

I took both pills and drank the rest of Jacks water. The room was silent, yet he wasn't leaving. He sat on a green lawn chair that was against the wall facing me, elbows on his thighs and hair in his hands.

I began to feel euphoria wash over my body and i would never admit it to Jack, but I wouldn't mind feeling like this more often. Sober, my mind wanders to the shit I got myself into, but when I'm high it's like i can focus on something else.

"When I was 12, my mother told me that I was too dumb to be as successful as her and my dad. That i was so fucking stupid I couldn't sell steak to a damn dog. It's only taken me four years to double my parents combined salary, and it's only looking up from there." Jack says, scratching his wrist.

"Fucking look at me now! I've got my own 1.2 million dollar home, a lake house, a beach house, a fucking 1 million dollar cabin in Alaska!" He begins to pace back and forth, making my heart beat rise.

"I don't know what you expect me to say. If you really wanna talk about your mommy issues just know it's gonna be really hard to get sympathy out of me." He stops mid pace.

"Jeremy really wants to see you again."

"Jack, no. Please don't give me to him again I can't do this. Lock me up, just please don't let him touch me again. Not again." I pleaded, starting to pull at the ends of my hair at the thought of the older man taking advantage of me.

"It's an awful lot of money for me though. Alex, that's why I got you down here in the first place. I'm an owner of a sex trafficking business, not a pity party."

"Jack, I can't do it. Please kill me before putting me near him again." I begged. There was such a Big lump in my throat, going down each time I talked and I tried to swallow it down but it became even more apparent to me that I am nothing to him but another victim and a part of his little business.

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