New Kid

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Your Pov
You are still on the road with a hour left.You and Noah are arguing over who is better Beyoncé or Nikki Minaj.
Noah:Nikki is way better than Beyoncé!
You:No Beyoncé is better!
Noah:Nikki got that big booty.It I was her age I would date her.
You:First,You are so weird & Second,She has Meek Mill so haha.
Noah:I would steal Meek's girl like Drake.
Y/m:Ohhh!Nice one Noah *high fives*
You:Haha in your dreams lover boy.
Your phone starts to ring.
You:what's up J?
Noah:It's J I wanna talk to him!
You:No little boy shut up.
Y/m:Be Nice!
Jordan:Are you in Cali yet?
You:Nope almost
Jordan:Well I want you to FaceTime meh when you get there
Noah:Can I talk to him please
You:Ugh fine.
Noah:Hey Jordan*girl voice*
Jordan:Hey Noah.
Noah:How did you know?
Jordan:I'm facetiming you stupid.
Noah:you are?*looks at the phone*
You:Noah give me that phone.*takes*
You:sorry about that.
Jordan:It's cool
You:where are you going?
Jordan:Mami taking me somewhere I don't know
You:Who is going with you.
Jordan:Just Dante.
You:Oh okay *sighs*
Jordan:You aight little Mami?
You:Just miss ya
Jordan:meh to babyeh meh too.
Jordan:Well I want you to FaceTime meh when you get there.
You start smiling big.
Jordan:What's wrong babyeh.Why you look like dat ion (I don't) like dat.
You:Your accent is back *giggles*
His accent is to die for.He hide it but when he talks to me it's sometimes comes out.He is from New Orleans like my bae August Alsina.I don't know why he hides it.He says he doesn't like it.Its makes him sound sexier in my Pov.
You:Nooo don't stop talking it's okay.
Jordan:I told you ion....I mean I don't like my accent.
You:But I do come on Jordan please*does puppy dog eyes*
Jordan:Babyeh you lucky I love ya.
You:So will you keep it?
Jordan:Just for you babyeh and only for you got it?
You:Got it. Bae.
Jordan:You lucky you cute cause yo know ion like talking like dis.
You:but it makes you sound cute.
Jordan:Shut up.
You:what it's true.
[1 Hour Later]
You finally make it to your new house.Its a mansion.You and Noah run up to your rooms.You run to the backyard it has a trampoline,pool and a basketball court.
You:I love this place!
You go to your room and calls Jordan he answers.
Jordan:wassup babyeh
You:Just made it.
You:where are you?
Jordan:honestly I don't know.
The doorbell rings.You run downstairs and open the door and there was Jordan.
You:what are you doing here?
Jordan:I came he's to visit my one and only.
You:Aww J your so sweet *blushes*
Jordan:Come he'a and give me a kiss
You walk to him and kiss him but you are interrupted by Noah and Dante.
My:Go meet some neighbors.
You:But ma.
My:No buts.
Jordan:let's go Mami.
You and Jordan walk to the park down the street you see some kids about your age playing.Jordan races you to the basketball court.
You:Your on.
You and Jordan start running and he gets ahead of you.He looks at you and laughs then he trips.
You:Haha loser *trips*
You were laughing and you tripped but thankfully someone caught you.
???:Gotcha Home girl
Jordan:Aye get your hands off my girl.
???:My bad.My name is Jaden but call me Jay.
Jordan:The names Jordan but fo short call me J.
A curly head boy came out of nowhere.
???:What's taking you so-Well hello who is the nerd?
You:Who is the Jerk.
Jay:Malak meet Yn.Yn meet Malak J meet Malak. Malak meet Jordan.
Malak seems so filimilar.
Malak:Shawty cute when she mad*kisses Yn's hand*
Jordan:aye this is my beauty.
Malak:My bad homie.Ill see you around Shawty.*winks*
Jay:sorry bout him I'll show you squad.
You and Jordan follow him.
Malak:Shawty back for more?
Jordan:Ha you wish.
Jay:This is Noah,Benny,Tay,Kayla,Janiya,her little brother Mike,Sebastian,River,Nadia,and the big flirt Malak.
Squad:What's up.
You:I'm Yn and this is my bae Jordan.
Jordan:Wassup ladies.Aight bae wanna go shoots some hoops?
River:Oh my god your accent.
Nadia:so cute.
Jordan:Haha thanks ladies.
You:Told ya it was cute.
Jordan:I'm gonna get a ball*runs*
Malak:So Shawty what we doing tonight?
You:Well I'm going home with Jordan and your going home too.
Malak grabs your waist and whispers "Meet me here tonight at 7:00".He lets you go and winks at you.Jordan walks back with a ball and he sees you blushing.
Jordan:Did Malak mess with you?
You don't answer.
Jordan:This not happening *snaps*ayee baby you good?
Jordan walks to your ear "Babyeh I love ya."
You snap out of it.
Jordan walks to Malak and throw the ball at his face.Malak tries to swing but he missed.Then Jordan started throwing punches. We tried to get him off oh him but he isn't moving until he is done.You finally pull J off of Malak.
Jordan:You beta not mess with meh.
Malak:Alright Alright.
Jordan:Come on babyeh lets go home.
You:Bye Guys.
Squad:Bye Y/n.
You and J walk back to your house.You are Giving Jordan the silent treatment because he was being petty.
Jordan:Look I'm sorry.
Jordan:Please stop giving me the silent treatment.
Jordan:I told you I was sorry.
Jordan picks you up over his shoulder.
you:Let me go!!! *pounds on his back*
Jordan:Not until you forgive me.
You:I'm not going to forgive you that easily.
Jordan:I know I overreacted I'm sorry.
Jordan throws you on the couch and starts tickling you.
You: Stop...*laughs...I can't....*laughs*...breathe.
Jordan:I'm sorry,I'm sorry.Im sorry. I'm sorry.
You:*laughs* J stop*laughs*
Jordan:Forgive me...
You:I forgive you J.*laughs*
You check the time it's 6:50.
You:I got to go somewhere for a few.
Jordan:aight.Im gonna go take a shower.
You:Love ya.
Jordan:Love you too babyeh.
You walk to the park and you see Malak in a tux.
Malak:Hey bae.
Malak walks to you and grabs your waist and kisses your cheek.You start to blush.
Malak:So how ya doing bae?
You:First I'm not your bae,babe,or your girlfriend get it straight.
Malak:Are you mad?Your so cute when your mad.
You:Your so....
Malak:I'm what?
Malak:I know you love me.But anyway where u from?.
You:Hawaii you?
You:my God.
You:Your last name is Watson right?
Malak:Yea how you know?
You:You had a dog named Lele(made up).
Malak:Are you a stalker.
You:Malak your stupid.Its me Yn tomika Jones.
You jump on him.
You:I missed you so much!
Malak:I missed you too.
Malak kisses you.
Malak:I'm sorry.
You:It's alright.
Jordan walks down the road yelling your name.
Malak oh shhh.
Jordan:What are you doin this late in the park?
You:I left something.
Jordan:Aight babyeh time to get home your folks just left.
You walk to your house.You came in and lock your doors and turned on the alarm.
Jordan:It's just us.*walks closer*
You:So...*backs up*
You back up all the way to the wall and Jordan walks closer and closer until he cant anymore.
Jordan:Maybe we can......WATCH MOVIES!!!
You:Oh my god you scared me.
Your hear a knock at the door.Jordan runs and answers the door.
Jordan:Who is it?
Tordan:Hol up.
Jordan turns off the alarm systerm and unlocks the door.Malak walks through the door.
Jordan:Yo my bad for earlier at the park.
Malak:Its alright.
Jordan:You know him?
You:Yeah we were bestfriends.
Malak:But I moved here.
Malak walks to you and kisses your hand.You start to blush.Jordan walks to you and kisses you.
Malak:*mummbles*Show off.
Jordan:What did you say?
Jordan:Dats what I thought.*bucks*
Malak:Dont start.Bae ill see you tomorrow at school.
You*blushes* ok..kkay.
Jordan:Okay bye *pushes out the door*
Malak:Aye look im not afraid to fight you i will take you down.
Jordan:Yeah right Bye *closes door*

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