Pit Stop

687 32 3

Lena's POV

Awaking to the sound of your best friend vomiting her guts up in a small tour bus bathroom isn't exactly the best wake up alarm

In fact.

It was fucking disgusting.

I groaned and rolled over, seeing Denis's leather jacket cuddled into my side. I pulled back the curtain of my bunk and looked across, seeing Zander still in a dead sleep, Trevor was no where in sight, I'm sure that Quinn was asleep behind his curtain, and Luke was asleep under my bunk.

And quiet obviously, Alessandra was emptying the contents in her stomach.

See why I try not to drink much. This is why. Because hangovers fucking suck. Not to mention I'm a mother now and I want to be the very best for my little girl.

I slipped out of my bunk and looked at Luke, covering his ears irritably from Alessandra's loud vomiting.

"Morning to you Luke" I said as I made my way to the bathroom and saw Trevor holding Sandra's hair back.

"I fucking hate this shit" she groaned in pain as she began puking again. Trevor only sighed "Then don't drink" he said to her

She flipped him the bird and he looked over his shoulder at me "Morning sleeping beauty....how are you feeling today? Ben told me what happened last night" he said.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed as I patted Sandra's head like the good friend I was "I'm fine...Denis was there" I said nimbly.

He grinned at me "Yeah...I heard all about that, and how he took you out to dinner last night" he teased.

I rolled my eyes "Your such a kid, you act like it was a date" I said nonchalantly as I leaned against the door frame.

Trevor rose an eyebrow and looked back down at poor Sandra. I didn't feel sorry for her. At all.

"So, taking you out to dinner, giving you his jacket and carrying you home isn't a date?" He asked me.

I looked at him with confusion. "How do you even know any of this shit!" I exclaimed loudly, earning a 'fuck you' from a pained Zander.

Trevor chuckled "Because, Ben, Denis and James came over to check on you earlier to see how you were, and Denis spilled due to Ben's nagging" he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows "Wait so Denis was here and no one bothered to wake me up?" I asked, slightly irritated for some odd ass reason.

His grin only grew as he balled up Sandra's hair tight in his hands to keep it from falling in her face "He said not to, that you needed sleep, but he did leave you a note on the table.

I didn't think twice as I turned and walked out, quickly making my way to the small bus kitchen and finding the note on the table.

I opened it up, excitement building up in my heart as I unfolded it.

Hey, I hope your doing
Better today, and that
You got plenty of sleep
Last night, it was a
Pretty chaotic night
Again I'm sorry that
I wasn't there sooner
But come see me at
The next pit stop
I want to see you :)
But for now text me
709- 398-6657 ;)
Bye love

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