Chapter 3: Inner Demon

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The next class that was written Vampire Studies, made me curious because that meant that there are vampire sort of like me in this school, finally, I thought to myself. And it was very close but first I wanted to see what Ms. Marie gave to me. The note read: 

Ceceile, I am aware that you are a vampire but I wanted to make sure that you are un-noticed with the hunger you may face while being here. Inside the bag, you’ll find a few tubes of blood (sorry, that’s all I could get). Take it when you need it most and remember that someone will always be watching you.

Ms. M

I smiled while reading; it’s not every day that someone is thinking of helping you with this problem, well my kind of problem; bloodlust. Anyway, time was short so I looked around if anyone was there and decided to flint up the stairs. But once I reached upstairs I smelled the most desirable, mouth-watering and beautiful scent I have ever smelt in all my years as a vampire. I followed it and it leads me to the class I had next, there was someone there at the door so I slowed walked down and realized that the teacher was human. Something was wrong with this; I am already surrounded by humans, what made this one so different? He seemed normal with a normal smile, a normal heartbeat, he dressed normal, but I couldn’t understand whether this was my mind playing tricks on me or my inner demon trying to let itself out.

“Hello….umm, Ceceile is it?” he said looking at his clip board.

“..My name is Mr. Zuckerman; I’m your teacher for the year. Welcome to Vampire Studies”

I didn’t say a word for I couldn’t speak with him so close to me. My jaws locked and I could feel my fangs becoming sharp in my mouth. And I wasn’t alone; there were other vampires in the classroom that made me glad. Then, I sat the corner of the classroom so I would stay un-noticed and that’s when Mr. Zuckerman started his lesson.

“Good Afternoon, I have already introduced myself to you but I would like to know you better. Please write a paragraph about yourself and I will collect it in 15 minutes. Then we will start studying vampires of old” he said with a proud voice.  

When I looked down on my desk, line paper and a pen appeared before me but, I didn’t write anything. I don’t want to tell this man my life and who I am; I have a few years over him anyways. Beside me I realized that some were distracted by the scent and so was I. Mr. Zuckerman continued to smile at everyone though everyone probably wanted to rip him apart. Then, he continued his lesson.

“Did any of you know that there are different types of vampires? Over the years, folklore of vampires has changed because of certain events throughout history. Let’s start with the ones that govern your kind; the Renaissance Vampire.” He said in a calm voice.

As he talked the less concerned I was but it did get interesting when he mentioned the abilities these vampires had. Most was only known to have the ability to control people against their will; basically compelling but for these vampires it’s ten times stronger. But I couldn’t be a renaissance vampire because I could never compel anyone even if I tried. Also he said those renaissance vampires are only in the royal family line, so that could never be me. He moved on to common vampire but I didn’t listen much because I already know about them.

“Now this last type of vampire is the recently discovered but also the most powerful; the Spirit vampire. It is said that they share their power with angels and use it to bring peace to the world. These vampires are the most powerful because the sun doesn’t harm them like the common vampires or renaissance vampires and they can control life and death itself. Sadly it is not known on how they are created but some say that it is a gift from God as an example of the goodness your kind has.”

“Do spirit vampires have weaknesses?” I asked as he finished.

“Actually yes, there are only a few though. Obviously, there is bloodlust. For spirit vampires, that can become very uncontrollable to the point of killing someone for it. And there is an uncommon weakness but it is deadly to these kinds of vampires known as dark shadows or evil souls that are summoned.” He answered

Mr. Zuckerman then looked at the clock and smiled at me and let everyone go early. At that moment everyone flinted out of the room, except me. He started walking closer to me and I could see myself feeding on him but he snapped me out of it and leaned forward. His eyes met mine and he chuckled at me.

“It’s an honor to meet a vampire like you. You are clearly different than the others, being this close should have gotten me killed by now” he said with a surprising smile. Don’t tempt me, I thought. 

 I couldn’t stand it anymore then flinted back to my room. There I couldn’t breathe, I felt so cold and hungry but before I could grab any tubes of blood, Melinda popped in. She saw my face and described it as if I was in pain and embraced me. It was happening again I couldn’t hear anything but both of our hearts beatings and I was too weak to move out of Melinda’s arms then this time I bit her arm and she shrieked for a second then froze. Her blood was warm and sweet like hot coco on a cold winter’s day but then my face felt like it was a fire, making me lift my head. It was Tori who looked furious and her hands actually were on fire pointing at me. I was scared at this point; her hands were like flamethrowers as it shot at me.

“I told you, don’t do anything stupid!” she shouted. The fire then burned my left leg as I leaped out the window to escape. I’m so sorry I said to Melinda when I was in the air. I landed softly below and flinted as far away as I could into the nearby forest. I felt guilty of myself; I fed on Melinda and now I’m as good as dead now if I went back. After, I rested on a tree rubbing the burn on my leg that was now fading away and tears started to run down my face as the sun started to set and the forest became dark. Sitting here alone brought me back to the time when I first became a vampire. I was….a monster, everything about me put the people I knew and cared about in danger. I’m a danger to myself. I deserve to die.

“No need to cry over anythin’, it wasn’t your fault. Zuckerman must have been too strong for you” someone said in the darkness, patting me on the shoulder.

“Who are you? And why do you care?”

“Ha. Well, I’m the one that has been watchin’ ya since you came here” he said in a southern accent.

Then he appeared before me wearing a white jump suit with the sleeves rolled up and wearing white Nike shoes. He looked tan that’s faded and he was muscular but looked at me as if I was a protagonist in a story or something. I wiped my now burning eyes while watching my distance from this guy.

“Don’t worry your little heart, darlin’. I ain’t gonna hurt ya. I’m only here to send you a message from Ms. Marie. She says to meet her in her office; she has something more to help you with your issue” he said putting both hands on his head.

“By the way, the name’s Conner, otherwise known as the vice principal in these parts” he continued

I nodded and walked back inside, to the office and in Ms. Marie’s room. She immediately stood up and wrapped her arm round me as I followed her to the window. And somehow I felt safe like, I’m with my family. She told me that she understood what I was going through so she was going to take drastic measures by sending me to the Oracle. She explained that the Oracle was a ghost that stays on earth to help the living but has connections with angels. She said that he would help me understand myself and to have control.

“Only certain people know the location of the Oracle. Good thing we have the pack on our side.” Conner said

Then a guy my age came through the door and bowed at Ms. Marie. Once I saw him my eyes stopped burning and I felt sort of warm inside. What caught the most was his icy blue eyes and highlighted brown hair. And he looked back and smirked.

“This is Darius; he one of the pack who knows where the Oracle is. Follow him and you’ll get some answers.” Ms. Marie said 

I did exactly that while listening in my head the name that ringed in my ear; Darius.

Earthly BoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora