Pulled Under

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The bell's shrill cry assulted my eardrums for the tenth time today, however this time I gratefully rose from my empty lab table in the back of the room. I slowly packed my things so I didn't have to fight the herd of cattle being directed threw the halls. Stuffing my sketch book and journal in my small black backpack I slung it over my shoulder and walked over to the door, staring down at my vans.

"Miam," I paused glancing over my shoulder at my teacher Mr, Micartny, I didn't say anything. "I'd like to speak with you." he said licking his lips, walking towards me slightly.

Suddenly wishing I'd left earlier, I rushed out of the room into the small crowd of stragglers. Letting the purple tips of my black hair fall into my face I peeked behind me to see that he didn't follow me today. Mr. Micartny had followed me home before, he had this really twisted thing for me; I was a junior and he was like 35, I know some girls like the whole 'older guys' thing but I couldn't even stand the guys my age. He hadn't tried anything yet, but honestly I wouldn't put it past him.

I hurried out of the school, barreling through the front doors I was meet by a face full of black hoodie. I looked up to see Brendan staring down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry Bre, McCartney was going all Mcreepy again. I'm pretty sure he was gonna try something back there." I cautiously looked back at the closed door, cringing inwardly.

Bre wrapped an arm around me in a half hug, I squeezed him back. We both turned to see Mr. McCartney step through the door.

"Miam, I said I wanted to have a word with you, now come back to the classroom so we can discus this. I'm afraid Mr. Colburn will have to wait outside." He demanded looking at Bre like anyone else would. All they saw was Brendan Colburn: confused teenage boy with too many piercings, wore eyeliner, and as far as they cared could end up in jail anytime now. That was not him at all. He was my best friend throughout my entire life, and we had gone through enough together that we had a deep protectiveness over one another.

Bre put his arm around my shoulders and stated,"Well I'm terribly sorry Mr. Mcartny but I'm afraid you're just going to have to molest some other student, Miam and I have plans tonight." With that, Bre, with his arm still around my shoulder, turned us around and marched us down the stairs. I let him pull me along in utter joy when I didn't hear footsteps behind me, instead a door opening and closing.

"Oh my god, Brendan. Your awful."I laughed.

"You're welcome." He smiled dropping his arm from my shoulder, instead holding my hand.

I squeezed his hand, "Thanks, so do we actually have plans, or are you going out with Connor again tonight?" I asked, hoping for company, with Bre always out with his boyfriend now I didn't get enough time with him anymore.

"Sorry Miam, I already had this night set aside for him." He sighed.

Sticking my bottom lips out I whined, "But you've been spending all your time with him lately. You need some friend time for once."

"Fine Mi, you're pulling the lip so I'll cave. I'll come over to your house Saturday and stay till Sunday, okay?" He said messing with his snakebites.

I smiled, excited about getting to play video games with him for once in forever. "Thanks Bre," I jumped up to kiss him on the cheek then ran down my drive way, turning around I yelled, "Tell Connor I said hi!"

"I'll tell him!" He yelled back waving a goodbye at me, I raised my hand at his retreating form.

I walked up the hill to my house and put my key in the side door, I twisted it and heard a loud snap. Looking down I gasped, the key had come off in the door, I now held a useless nub on a chain. Stuffing it back in my pocket I sat down on my driveway, my mom wouldn't be home for another hour. I put my face in my hands and contemplated what to do. I had my i-pod in my backpack, still decently charged. As I looked up from my hands I saw Mr.Mcarnty's car heading towards my house.

Okay, getting in couln't wait an hour. I quickly grabbed my things and rushed around the back of my house as his car pulled in my drive way. I looked around for a way to get in to my house, there was an open window about three feet or so above my head. I threw my backpack in and looked for the stool we kept out here, it was behind a bush. As I grabbed it I heard a car door slam, I saw him come around the corner of my house as I stepped up on the stool. I jumped for the edge of the windowsill, but only managed to get two large cuts on my hands from the jagged edge of the bricks.

McCartney was less than ten feet away now and the bastard was walking slowly towards me. I would have run to a neighbor's house, if I had any with in a decent range, the closest was Bre who live five walking minutes away. Like that would help, he had plans and his family was on vacation. I saw that Mr. McCartney had a rope, I sucked in a sharp breath and made one last desperate leap for the open window.

Faintly I heard a tune on the wind, being a Zelda freak, I recognized it as the Song of Storms. Suddenly a strong wind blew up the wall, giving me just the boost I needed to hook my arms on the inside of the window and scramble in. I looked down to see Mr. McCartney getting on the stool, I slammed the window shut. He reached up and pushed it up a little as I was gonna lock it, but before he could do anything else it started pouring rain. He had been balancing on his toes and slipped on the newly wet surface. I forced the window shut and locked it, he got up glaring at the window then walked away.

I looked up into the sky and saw that there was a small mass of dark rain clouds surrounding my house. "Okay, really weird weather." I said to my self, no thinking about what could have just happened. I sank down against the wall and let out a shaky breath listing to the sound of his car getting farther away until the only thing I could hear was the rain.

Jumping at the sound of my phone getting a message I hesitantly checked it.

Mom: Won't be home till late , sorry sweetie :(

I ran a hand through my hair and decided since it was oddly rainy outside I was going to go play The Legend of Zelda. I slowly walked into the living room and started it up. I picked a Zelda game at random and popped it in with out looking. The rain started to lighten up as the beginning song started to play, I immediately recognized the song to Majora's Mask. I clicked on files and froze cold at what I saw there, of course it had my user file, Miamcrazy, but just above it there was another file named Ben.

I threw my controller down and practically ripped the game out, tossing it across the room. I shook my head at myself, 'You didn't just see that, you're just still in shock from earlier."

I redirected my current train of thought, grabbed my jacket and headed out the back door towards the train tracks that lead to the mountains.


This path on the track was rarely used except for tourist dinner trains and stuff like that. But I knew it very well, I had known about it for years and had been traveling down here since I was about 14. It was only about ten minutes from my house and had one of the most spectacular views ever, and I never got tired of seeing it.

I kicked a rock off the side of the tracks watching it slide down the slope, I paused. It tumbled down until free falling of the edge of the cliff, just like I tried to do not too long ago. Dark thoughts clouded my mind, just as they had that day. Carefully picking my way down to the edge I sat with my legs dangling over the vertical drop. Looking over the mountains I thought this would be a good last sight, it would have been mine but I guess I was too chicken to jump.

The train tracks above me rattled a bit, sign that the train was coming. I didn't react at the sight of the five foot wide train on the two foot wide tracks. It rocked and swayed from one side to the other violently, threatening to fly off the tracks at any moment. I sat on the edge of my cliff and watched this peacefully, not caring if it did fall. At least if it did, it would bring me down with it and I would have a reason to be dead. But then thought of Brendan nudged their way back into my mind, he was the brother I never had, and that I didn't deserve. He had helped my through my anorexia, among other things, and I was the only one supporting his relationship with Connor.

The tarnished green train soon faded off into the distance, as did my thoughts of suicide...for now at least. Standing up a bit too quickly a rock slipped out from under my boot; I teetered between the safety of the rock and the 100 story drop in front of me.


This is a Ben Drowned Fanfic, Enjoy.

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