Chapter 6

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To get the full experience of this chapter, go lock yourself in a dark room or read at about 2:27 AM....alone. ;)

I slowly stood up, half expecting Ben to jump out from somewhere. I was glad he left but still had a creeping feeling that someone was watching me.

Shaking myself I put the game away and walked back to my room. What to do? It was too late to go for a walk, I was terrified to even open my laptop, and who knows what story would be on TV next. I suppose I'll just wait for Bre to call, I thought. Just as I did my phone started ringing, jumping I put my hand to my heart to try to calm it down. If I was going to be stalked by a killer, I really needed to change my ring tone. I reached to my back pocket for my phone, it wasn't there. I patted all my pockets and then I noticed that the ringing was coming from the other side of my room.

"Nice ring tone." A deep voice pured from the shadows across the room.

I froze and looked up I was meet with a pair of eyes ringed in black, and a very, very, large smile. The phone stopped ringing and shut off, cloaking the figure in shadows again. Backing away I grabbed the door handle, ready to bolt. When a bleached white hand grabbed my wrist and ripped it off the handle, "I don't think you want to do that." The person growled, I glanced down in time to see the moonlight reflect off his blade. Pictures of crime scenes and mutilated bodies swam through my mind.

I squeaked in fear and desperately tried to yank my hand from his grasp. But the stranger's grip just got tighter as he dragged me to him, I was so close I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered, "Now lets see that smile of yours." My stomach dropped as I felt a cold length of metal press against my cheek. I shut my eyes and prepare for the worst.

"Jeff!" We both turned to see Ben standing in front of the window, I took the advantage of him being distracted and broke free of the stranger's grasp. I didn't know where to go so I ran to Ben, that seemed the safest place to be. I grabbed his arm and hid behind his back, standing on my tiptoes I peaked over his shoulder.

"Ben, w-who's that?" I whispered quietly in his ear, shuttering.

The man across the room still heard me and, if possible, the smile grotesquely slashed into his face grew larger, "I am known by many names, Jeff to friends, Jeffery to family, but you, luv, can call me Jeff the Killer." he growled, and my grip on Bens arm tightened.

"Jeff stop it you're scaring her." Ben clenched his fists and leaned towards the guy, but I grabbed the strap running across his back and leaned backwards a bit. I didn't want them to fight, my room was messy enough as it was. I don't think its the room you should be worried about if they did fight, my inner self reminded me.

"Oh pish, posh!" Jeff waved the thought away with his hand, "I wouldn't dare harm her," he slowly crept closer to Ben till he was less then a foot away, "I just wanted to see why you kept coming back here." He reached up as if to stroke my hair but I quickly ducked behind Ben's back. Man this guy was bi-polar, one minute he's about to stab you the next he's saying things like 'pish posh' (what was with that anyway?). 

Squeezing Ben's arm l leaned my head against his back and stayed still, hoping they would just move on and forget about me. I heard Jeff's footsteps lead towards my window and peaked out from behind Ben cautiously, just as Jeff began to climb through the window he stopped halfway and turned to face me, "Oh, and here's your phone back, luv." He tossed it on the bed and slid out.

I stood there waiting for him to lunge back threw the window, but he never did.

"Miam." Ben said gently, turning to face me he pried my hand off his arm. "Miam it's okay he's gone." 

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