Chapter One

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"Jayden!" My mom yelled up the stairs to me.

"Coming!" I yelled back, trying not to get annoyed. This is the third time she called me. I paused my music, put a book mark in my book, shook off my covers, and slipped out of  my bed. I walked down the stairs and around the corner into the living room to see my mom and dad sitting at the scrapbooking table. "Yes?" I questioned.

"We are sending you to a summer camp in Idaho. You leave tomorrow." My dad stated as though it was nothing.

"A summer camp? In Idaho?" I question as I sat down on the empty swirly chair across from them.

"Yes, in Idaho. It's being held at Sand Hills Resort. A bus and a bed will be provided, you'll have to share with people though, and before you ask, yes you can take your dirt bike, 4-Wheeler, and the rzr." My mom said.

"Sand Hills? Isn't that were I went last year?" I asked.

"With Arielle? Yes." My mom replied.

"Okay, is anyone else going or just me?"

"Just you, we think it'll be good for you to get out of the house and away from the family for awhile." My dad said.

    "Wait! Can I bring Arielle?" I questioned.

"Yes, now go and get packed. Dad will hook the trailer to your truck so you can take your toys."

"Wait! I want to load my bike and 4-wheeler onto my truck." I said.

    "Ok. Get to it then." I ran upstairs to get my shoes and the keys to my stuff, truck included. Now, I know what you're thinking, but the summer camps my mom and dad send me to are so much fun, please do note the sarcasm, but I guess it'll be alright if I can bring my toys.

    I opened the garage door and walked out. I quickly spotted my babies and got to putting them in the bed of my truck. After I was done I hooked the trailer to it with the help of my dad, and put the rzr on it. I secured it and my babies. I then drove my truck into the garage that way no one steals it. I then went inside and called Arielle up.

"Hey! What's up?" She asked.

"How does a summer camp sound?" I asked. She knows about the summer camps my parents send me to. They sure were happy when I could finally drive myself there and stuff.

"Sounds amazing. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow at 8, I'll come pick you up."

"How about I just spend the night?"

"Alright, pack for the summer and drive on over, oh, and bring your 4-wheeler."

"Okay, see you in a few!" And she hung up. I went inside, told my parents what was going on and went to pack. After I was done I sat on my butterfly chair on my room. I pulled out my phone. I went onto facebook and waited.

As I sat there, I wondered who I would be sharing the bus with. More girls? Or maybe boys? Who knows. This is just the beginning of an adventure.

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