Chapter Two

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Sorry this one's kind of short

My eyes were glued shut. It was cold. And I was wet. I could smell earth, grass, and the kind ofsmell there is after it rains. I opened one eye. It was foggy. Grey. I could make out the moon, and the sun in the same sky. The clouds were soft, and spread apart like cigarette smoke. The sky itself was the palest blue, with streaks of pink across the horizon. I guessed it was morning. Great. Yawning, i sat up and rubbed my head, tentatively opening both my eyes. I was alone. My senses all kicked in at once, where was Sasha? It slowly dawned on me from the cold breeze that I was naked. Looking around for my clothes, i noticed one of Sasha's Dr Martins lying in the grass. I was scared. Scrabbling to get dressed, i pulled my phone out of my pocket. One text from Sasha.

'Don't panic, I went to get food. Stay there'

I breathed a sigh of relief. Not worried any more, I sat back down on the mossy graves and gazed at the awe inspiring sky. What felt like hours later, I heard the crunch of gravel. Turning around, I saw Sasha through the soft mist. In her hands, she had two take away coffee cups and a paper bag. Smiling, I noticed her feet. One dark green sock, and one pale pink Dr Martin. I never understood Sasha. Ever. Grinning back at me, she sat down and kissed me softly.. The tenderness filled me with warmth, or maybe it was the coffee. The sweet nectar lifted the cloud over my mind, and I could think clearly again. The paper bag contained Sasha's favourite food, a steaming vegetable Samosa. Laughing at he odd breakfast choice, we shared the hot triangle of potatoes and spices, and watched the early morning fog clear on the far away hills. I was peaceful, and I reflected on the week prior to this. How hectic it had bee. I finished my exams, so the summer had been awesome,but Sasha had been away in America. I had been lonely. So, i made do with the circle of friends we associate ourselves with, going out, getting high, getting pissed. Nothing special. Then Sasha came back, and the real summer began.

I sighed.

"I ran into Adam," Sasha said matter of factly. I sighed. "He asked me where you were, and if you got his texts, did you?" I shook my head. She looked pointedly at me, and reached into my hoodie pocket to grab my phone. She waved it in my face. I had 18 texts. Oh.

"I didn't think to check it" I sighed, and got to work on reading them.

'I Love you'

'Are you mad at me?'

'What have I done?'

I miss you'

'Are you free tomorrow?'

You get the idea. I groaned and replied

'Sorry honey, I was with sash, and I might be I'll let you know ok?' Sasha grinned and added 'Sasha has me for the rest of the day so don't get your hopes up' I looked at her bemused, and out of her pocket she pulled another joint. Winking at me, she passed me a lighter. The smoke from our lips swirled around our heads, and the sugar coated early morning blended into infinity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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