Chapter 3: Jealous?

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Hey readers! Just wanna say in advance, excuse my mistakes!!! And make sure y'all Vote, Comment, Share, and Follow, because I'm tryna' get more readers, because I wanna keep writing, but to a bigger audience. You know what I mean? ... Anyway, happy reading!!!




        I walked into my first hour class, and went to my seat. As I sat down, getting settled. I was about to put my Aztec printed PINK backpack in the empty seat beside me, when someone quickly sat in it before I had the chance. Turning around, ready to cuss whoever it was for interfering with my convenience, I turned around to see Ronnie. I couldn't help but laugh as he looked up at me, grinning, that sexy grin.

"Wassup ma, long time no see." he spoke. I smiled, trying not to blush. Somehow that 'ma' was attractive to me. I quickly rolled my eyes at the odd coincidence of him sitting right next to me.

"Yeah, five minutes." I said. We both laughed. I could tell he was blushing by the way his cheeks turned red. We stared at each other for a moment until the bell rang, and class began.

       As my teacher was starting to get into the lesson, I started to notice how cute he was. I could see his 8 pack through his tight, yet loose shirt. He definitely had an athletic build, with his swollen arms, due to his huge muscles. I saw his short hair with curly waves in them, in a curly fro. I noticed his plump pink lips, that made me want to kiss them. Oh yeah, I was definitely attracted to him, and in all ways possible.

       I found myself staring at him. He turned around, catching my gaze. I quickly turned my head, so he couldn't see it. He turned around, I guess feeling himself or whatever. I rolled my eyes, as I saw him acting as if he was listening to the teacher with a smirk on his face. I didn't care. I brushed it off, and became engaged into the lesson.



       My teacher said we would need a partner for a new project that we would complete most of at home. I looked to Lauren as if asking 'Wanna be partners?' She shook her head with sorrow, mouthing that she'd already had a partner, smiling at someone behind me. I looked to see who it was. It was Ronnie grinning hard walking my direction.

"Wanna be partners, ma?" He asked.

I scoffed, knowing what he did. At first I was irritated, but I realized that he must really like me to be going through all this trouble to get to me.

"Sure." I said, realizing it was worth a shot, plus I had no other option. I hated mostly everyone in this class. "Meet me at my house at 5:30."

"Aight, cool... But where you live?" He asked.

"Rubyson. I'll text you the details." I said.

"What's yo number, then?" He asked grinning. I realized what I had done. I'd Given him a chance to try and call or text me. I didn't wanna give him my phone number, atleast for now... Because it was just doing too much because we'd met about 30 minutes ago.

"You gon' give it to me or what?" He asked laughing. I realized I was just staring, debating if I should or not for a while. I chuckled, and finally gave in, telling him.


"Aight" he said, typing it into his phone.   We sat and did our work. He seemed to be very smart.

      When we'd finally finished what we needed to do in class, we sat and talked for a while. He kept trying to flirt with me, and get me to go on a date with him on Friday. I just laughed. He was really funny though, that's one thing I like a guy, to make me laugh and for us to be able to joke with each other.

In third and sixth period, he kept passing me notes, sayin how cute I was, and that we should be together. I just didn't respond, and tried not to blush. I actually did consider it though. It was obvious we were both feelin' each other.

     The day was over, and I saw Ronnie talking to some random girl.. I looked them over with a look of disgust, and walked away, shaking my head. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Wassup witchu?" He asked.

"Nothin, I just find it hilarious that niggas can ask you out and talk to other bitches." I said with an attitude. He chuckled.

"Watch ya mouth. She was helpin' me with findin' my way around... We just friends anyway." He shrugged. I looked around feeling stupid.... I had just met this nigga, and was already clingy as shit.

"Yeah, you right, whatever.... just meet me at my house." I said. I walked out of the door, and drove in my car in silence, picking Tiffany up.


     I pulled into Tiffany's school, and saw her talking to this boy, all over him, twerking on him. My sister is 13 years old, and she is not about to be a hoe! I honked the horn at her, giving her a death glare. She saw my car, and ran to it, knowing she was in trouble, with fear written all over her face.

"What the fuck you twerkin' on that lil' ass boy for?! You tryna be a hoe now?! Huh?! Answer me!" I yelled at her. She sat looking as if she were gonna cry.

"Please don't tell mom!" She said.

"She ain't never there, why the fuck would I, dumbass? Mama is the least of your concerns, you gotta deal wit' me! You're 13, Tiffany! If I ever see you doing something like this again, I'm beating your ass, you hear me?!" I said through gritted teeth. She nodded. "I can't fuckin' hear you!" I yelled.

"Yes. I hear you." she said with tears running down her cheeks.

"Thats what I thought." I said still pissed. We sat in silence for a while. I turned my radio to an R&B station, and turned it down, so you faintly heard it.

"So how was school?" I asked trying to make conversation, but don't get it twisted, I was still pissed. You could tell by the expression on my face.

"Good, you?" She asked quietly, not knowing if I was still mad or not.

"It was good, Tiff.... But you just gotta understand, I'm older than you, and you can't be doin' that kinda stuff, I'm 'sposed to be ya' role model, so act like I taught you some sense... And you know momma wasn't always like that. Dad's death I guess..... depressed her. So don't be actin' like she's just some drunk bitch, even though now she's starting to act like one. She's still ya' momma." I spoke.

        I began to think about my daddy. My dad died in the drug life. Like any thug, just trying to put food on the table. I personally couldn't live like that. And I'm the hardcore type.. I'm just too sweet to kill, and stay sane. I don't know how I'd sleep at night. I can't have that on my conscience.

We sat in silence the rest of the drive.

We pulled up to my house, and walked inside. My mom was there passed out on the couch. I rolled my eyes in pure disgust. How's she just gonna show up like she's here all the time?

        And like always, she looked terrible! Her forehead was swollen, like someone hit her in the head with a bottle, she had bags under her eyes, she looked really thin and saggy, and was hardly wearing any clothes.

        That's just the typical mother of mine. She only comes back about once every 2 weeks.... I'm guessing after her 'boyfriend' at the time finds out she's stealing.

I shook her to wake up.

"What are you doing here? I asked with irritation in my voice.

"What'chu mean 'What am I doin' here?' I live here!" She said stretching to get up. "I gotta go anyway." She said leaving, wobbling as she walked. I could tell she was drunk. The strong smell of alcohol adorned her presence.

I was glad she left though, because I remembered I had invited Ronnie over.

I cleaned up a little, and decided to cook us all something. I put a pizza in the oven, when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to tell Tiffany to stay inside of her bedroom before opening the door.

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