Chapter 16: Remember Me

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Hey yall!!!!!! Did I leave it off on a good part??? Yep! Lol, but anyway as I said in the last chapter, the goal is 25 votes, and 15 comments. I'll update when ya do, the sooner yall reach, the faster I'll update. But anyways y'all wanna know what happened to Bianca and Tre, so lemme stop, hold up. Remember to VOTE, COMMENT, RATE, FOLLOW, PROMOTE, AND INBOX ME Y'ALL!!!! Hella bored here!!! Lol ok, and Vote and comment and fan and shit, fuckin READ my other book "Love and Money" lol ok almost done now!!!!!

....... P E A C E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !







~¡~®~|% Biancas Pov >|>®>|

I woke up in a hospital room attatched to a bunch of machines. I couldn't really see. I heard people in the room talking, but it was like an echo. It was like I was there, but I wasn't.

"What if she doesn't make it?" I heard a woman say.

"Don't say that! She will!" Another said.

I looked up at the ceiling and saw the room spinning. Was I dead.

"She's awake!" I heard someone say.

A girl with carmel light skin, long black hair, and bright red lips walked up to the bed. I couldn't really make out her face because of how I felt the room spinning and the blurryness.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't remember me?" She asked. I looked at her, and looked around the room, and saw a girl about thirteen asleep in a chair, a woman in her mid forties looking over with worry, and a fyne light skin man with deep curly waves, and grey eyes, who was looking directly at me with a concerned look.

A woman in a nurses outfit walked over, and pushed me back down in the bed.

"Lay down, you need your rest." She said.

I looked over at the girl. She was crying now, and her makeup was running.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She started crying even harder, and walked out of the room.

I layed down, as the doctor told me to.

"Can you guys leave for a moment?" She asked the strangers. They got up and walked out.

"You know you weren't supposed to make it right?" She asked.

"What happened?" I asked. She looked at me.

"You really don't remember?" She asked. I shook my head no. She sighed.

"Well, you and your baby were driving. You remember him right?" She asked. I looked at her like she was crazy. She shook her head, and continued. "Well, you were driving with him in the car, and a car came your way, and crashed into you. And it was a serious accident. You would've been gone if you didn't have that seatbelt on. You could've died wearing it, we don't know how you made it." She said. I was shocked.

"So where's my baby?" I asked worriedly.

"He's alright, his hard head helped him." She laughed. "But he did hit the back of the passengers seat pretty hard. His head jumped back a little, and his backs a little hurt, so he'll be ok in no time." She said. I nodded, relieved.

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