Chapter 10

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Catherine's POV

I trust Emily to a point. She isn't being completely honest with me, I know her too well. I sit up from my mat and grab another muffin half. The food is being squandered, it's dwindling by the day. Thomas hasn't come back. I'm getting more worried by the second. What if he is really gone? Teresa and Aris have disappeared as well. Honestly, I hate Teresa. No question. I just sit quietly and eat my muffin. I chat with a few gladers such as Fry and a boy named Josh. In the Middle of my sentence Emily takes me away. "Hey, I was talking..."
"I know where Thomas is."
My eyes grow wide at this statement. "Why didn't you tell me?!" She just grabs my hand and leads me off. "Ok, guess I'm leaving! Sorry!" I call back to the two boys. I see Sonya and Newt talking. I don't care. But deep down. I know i do. "Where are we going?"
"A cave."
"You already heard me." We get to a tiny opening and I hear voices coming from below. Teresa and Aris. I feel my mouth and the cut Teresa left me. Alright, this time we have the weapons. And I'm going to kill them. I grab my Machete and Emily grabs me. "Don't kill them." What .-.
"Fine." Emily walks through the tiny opening and I follow her crouched. She talks to Teresa and Aris. Then when he lowers his weapon I strike. I hit him over the head with the back of the machete. He falls to the floor. Emily holds back Teresa. She gives me some 'speech' about not being on either side. What side?! We weren't the people who frickin beat someone! Seriously?! How can she say it had to be done. It truly didn't. And I know this. I just stare at her. I walk over to the door and she lets go and of Teresa. She grabs my arm. I immediately jerk my arm away. "Catherine-"
"No! I'm leaving with Thomas." I turn the door and I see Thomas weak laying on the ground. I run to him and kneel beside him. "Oh my God." He coughs a little. I grab him and drag him out of the room. I lay him on my legs and try to wake him up. "Tommy, can you hear me?" He slowly opens his eyes. "Wha-what?"
"Oh God you're fine!" I hug him. They are both back. Both of my best friends are back. I'm over filled with glee until she speaks. "Tom!" Teresa exclaims rubbing to him. She wraps him in a huge hug and kisses him. He immediately pulls away. "Seriously." I say staring straight at her. She explains the WICKED made her do it. That it was all on purpose. She didn't want to. Thomas on the outside shows no emotion. He doesn't like her. "Ok, wait a second. Are you-"
"Ok, Teresa. You know, your 'story' has HUGE gaps. Just saying. I do believe that WICKED told you to, and 'made' you. But a lot doesn't add up. For one, you didn't have to beat Thomas. The stuff you did to him wasn't necessary-"
"I had to make him feel betrayed."
"Slim it. And you did with just your words. You beating him, I feel as if that was fine with you. He was ready to leave, you just put in extra betrayal that wasn't needed. And secondly, you know, you would think that if you were beating your so called 'love and best friend' you would have sadness in your eyes. All I saw was nothingness. No regard for humanity or pain. Nothing. I don't give a Rat's Ass if WICKED made you do it, but that extra stuff was no. 'You had to do it' yes beating Thomas and showing no remorse in your eyes and face you had to. Ok." I stomp out of the room. "Catherine!" I hear Emily call. "What."
"The stuff you said was right, but she had to."
"She didn't have to beat Thomas." She quiets. We head down the mountain hoping to catch up to the group. Teresa is acting like nothing happened. Honestly, it bugs the Klunk out of me. He kinda leaves her side and we walk side by side. We run to the group. Minho and Newt are asking a ton of questions. I don't answer them. I push my way through the group. "Hey hey, what happened?" Minho says grabbing my shoulders. "I hate Teresa. And I'm in a Bad mood."
"Good that." He says letting me walk over to this tree. All of them kinda congratulate Thomas on returning. Newt walks over to me. "Hey, can we talk?"
I don't say anything I just nod.
"I just wanted to say-"
"Hey Blondie! Isn't it great having Thomas back?" Sonya says hanging onto Newt's arm. "Uh-um." I stare straight into his eyes. He needs to choose his words carefully. "Yeah, yeah it's great." In one swift motion, I swivel my feet and walk away. "Ooooo." I hear a boy call. I walk back to the group and stand by Minho. One of the last best friends. "Hey shank, how you holding up?"
"I'm mad."
"Aren't we all. I saw what happened with Newt just now."
"Thanks for bringing it up." I scoff.
"Look, he wants to apolo-"
"If he wanted to he would've. Now isn't it great having everyone back?"
"Honestly, yes, it is pretty nice. Thomas got back with you, Emily literally came back from the dead."
"OMG I know right. I was so happy!"
"It doesn't help we are in this stupid scorch."
"At least we are almost at the Safe Haven."
"Yeah keep dreaming."
"Well, it's the only thing I got going."
We continue walking some more and then we settle down for another night. We light a fire and everyone talks and shares stories around it. I sat across from Newt. Next to Thomas and Emily. "Let's play truth or dare!" I girl calls out. "What the shuck is that..." A boy says. The girl explains the rules: someone picks a person. That person picks truth or dare. And so on. Simple really. "Uh ok." A boy says. "Ok Sonya truth or dare."
"Go and sit next to who you think Is the most attractive." She happily gets up and sits next to Newt. "Ok, done. So Newt, truth or dare?"
She gets a mischievous grin on her face. "Kiss the girl you like." Her grin gets bigger. Wow. He then without a second going by stands up. She stands as well. I look away, not wanting to see this. I just look down. I hear foot steps then all silence. Minho nudges my arm. I slowly lift my head up. I see a figure with an outstretched hand. Newt. I look up at him and nods toward his hand. I take it and he immediately kisses me. I knew I would never miss that. Sonya is red with embarrassment. "Truth or Dare Catherine." Or faces barely touching. "Dare."
"I dare you to forgive me. I'm really sorry, for everything Love."
"I already have." I say kissing him.

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