Chapter 15

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Catherine's POV

We've been with the right arm for a little while. I walk up the sand dune to Thomas, Newt, Emily, and Minho all sitting looking over the camp. I get up to the place and Thomas immediately leaves. "What's with him?" I say in general. "Probably checking on Teresa. She has been on the cliff for a while. Nothing personal with you." Emily says.
"Ok, cause I was gonna say, I haven't done anything so...heheh." I say.
"Here come sit." Emily says patting the rock she is sitting on. I waddle over to the little seat and we all begin talking.
"So, the right arm." I state.
"I don't even know anymore. Like I'm not surprised that there are people trying to destroy everyone in and apart of WICKED But what." Minho says.
"Same! Like what..." Emily laughs. We talk more and then she randomly gets up to go on the hill. "Again, what's so interesting with the hill?" I say.
They all shrug their shoulders. I hear a whirr in the distance, almost like a small fan. "What's that?" I whisper.
"What do you mean?" Minho says.
"That whirr..."
Thomas and Emily immediately come running and shouting from the hill.
"What?" We all stand up I run to them. Emily panicky tells me there are planes coming our way.
"Teresa called WICKED and they are coming to attack! Everyone need to get weapons, pack, and leave. NOW." Right as we start getting down the hill, we hear a piercing noise. I'm thrown to the ground by an explosion that destroyed part of the camp. "Catherine!" Everyone picks me up. "I'm fine. Let's go!" We run down and start getting supplies. It's pure chaos, shouts, people running, shooting, dying. I run to the back of the med tent and open the package filled with guns. I grab a machine gun and throw Newt a sniper. Everyone else barges through and grabs their own weapon. We see Vincent firing his pistol and run to him.
WICKED officers are shooting electricity left and right. They take Down most everyone and they start making people line up. I come out from behind the truck and kill one of the officers that grabbed Harriet. They grab Newt and put a gun against his head. "Do you really want to do that Catherine? I mean it would be fair considering you just killed one of mine." A woman in white says stepping out of a jet. Teresa walks up and stands next to her looking as sh*tty as always. I drop my gun. "There. Don't hurt him please." I say putting my hands up slowly. The woman nods and they hit Newt in his bad leg. He screams in pain and they drag him into position in line. I run to the guard but he points the gun at me. I stop and walk by slowly. Anger all over my face. I pass Teresa and The woman. I slow a little and turn and punch Teresa straight in the face. The officers shout and grab my hands and throw me in line. "Neal." An officer shouts in my ear. They start going down the rows. "Immune. immune. Immune."
"Not immune." The officer then shoots the man in the face. "Stop!" Mary jumps out of the crowd.
"Oh, isn't it a pleasure Mary?" The Woman In White says. "Wait where is Emily and Thomas? Where is Brenda and Jorge? What?! Are they dead?" I scan the whole area and hear a gun shot. I turn and see Mary fall to the ground. Vincent is screaming. "STOP." Thomas and Emily stand there, in the center, holding a bomb. "Hello Thomas? What are you doing? Stop that." The Woman says.
"No. I'm done. I'm done with running, I'm done with being tested, exploited, I'm done with you hurting others, I'm done watching my friends die in front of me. And if this. This is the only way...I'm ok with that. Right here right now." Thomas states.
"What do you mean?"
Minho gets up and goes to Thomas.
"I'm here for you." Newt and I get up and go to Thomas. "I will forever have your back." Newt says. "If we go. We go together." I say. Frypan comes to us as well.
"Thomas stop!" The White Woman Says.
"If this is supposed to end in fire. Then we should all burn together." He says. We begin to brace. I clutch everyone. My leg on frypan. I clutch Minho and Newt together. I hug Emily and Thomas. I look up at the Sky for the last time along with everyone else. We give each other a last glance. I dig my head in Newt's chest as he clutches my body. Our faces are not braces however, but our faces are acceptance. All except Thomas. His is bracing for the impact. Not for his own skin, but for ours. Him, and him alone killing all his friends, even though they are with him. He doesn't want to. He clutches the bomb. I close my eyes and let things be. "WOOOOOOO!" Gun fire blazes through the area. Jorge and Brenda come racing in with fire power. "God do I love them." I say. Thomas chucks the bomb at a group of standing soldiers. Vincent beats the officer keeping him and runs to the turret on the jeep. "MARY!" He shouts as he plows through the bullets. I swiftly grab my gun and throw newt his. We back up to the truck as they fire the Electricity at us. Minho, who was standing next to me runs up and screams killing a officer with every shot he takes. "Minho, no!" I scream. A bolt hits him. He falls and starts spazzing on the ground. While being electrocuted he gets up, and begins firing even more. "" He manages to push out. "NO!" Officers take him on both sides. Me and Emily run forward. "DONT TOUCH HIM!" She yells. "DONT YOU DARE!" I scream. She jumps on guard. I feel a piercing pain in my chest. I'm barely able to move but it feels like hell when I do. I thrash on the ground. Minho stood up to fight and save us in this pain. I move my head to see Emily get dragged in as well. "N-n-n-n-n" I try and push out the words but I can't. They drag him into the copter and i watch as Teresa, Rat man, The White Woman, all stare at me as if they had won. I see Emily slumped against a guard still buzzing with electricity, a single tear falls From her eyes, as do mine in synch. Agonizing pain comes to my arm when someone grabs it. Another guard.  Maybe I'm going with them. Maybe I'll be taken to. I can barely hear anything at all. It's like a numb. I hear a muffled scream and people pulling me away from the now dead guard. Nothing can take my mind off what just happened. They have Minho. They stole him. They have Emily. They stole her as well.

-The sun rose just as quickly as WICKED left. We helped people out of rubble with dirt, blood, and tear stained faces.
We fed and tended to the wounded.
Thomas grabbed a gun off the ground. "Hey, if y'all find a round, can you give it to me?"
"Why, where are you headed Tommy?" I say while tossing him a canister.
"I'm going to go get them."
"You heard me. I'm going to go get our friends. You can come with me, but you don't have to. I'm not going to ask to have more of my friends killed. But I am going." He says.
"Thomas. I will go with you. I would do anything for Minho and Emily. We have to get them back. I would never not go. But going into WICKED it's impossible. Yet, there is no such thing as impossible." Newt says.
"I'm in."  frypan says.
Thomas nods in my direction.
"Like I would even have to say yes. I am. They think they have won. And in this instant they have. But we will turn the tides. We will end them and their tyranny. We will get them back."

-Feet aching, shoulders slumping, head burning, eyes tearing, mouth quenching. We trudged along the sand. The wind whipping my hair into a brown mess in front of my face. I clutch my gun and pack as we headed more up the hill so that way it didn't fall. "Hurry guys!" He started running and we followed. As we got over the hill the sun burned our eyes and skin. We shielded ourselves from the glare coming off of the object. It was grey, and square. No windows, only one big door. With the word WICKED draped on the side. "There it is."-



HEY GUYS! OMG ITS OVER AND ITS SO SAD. MINHOOOOO! I can't wait 2 more years. I can't. CURSE YOU DASHNER AND BALL! (But don't cause I want you to keep making more so...)
Ok, so we have been working really hard on things to do and write, and although this one isn't as long as the other one we hope you've enjoyed it. We will obviously be creating a THE DEATH CURE but will be waiting to start it. ;-; BC LYFE IS CRUEL.
We love you all and thanks for reading this book, it's cool to think people actually enjoy it.

See ya Gladers
-Em and Cat

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