More work

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Hello guys,  I am at work, and i have thirty minutes before i can go so i;m going to give a quick update, and then tomorrow i will update a longer chapter. so , hope you enjoy.


I stared at her. She was in a pair of jeans that hugged her hips. She had on a loose faded shirt but she still managed to look beautiful. My eyes couldn't stop returning to her hips. She was tall and she had a shapely body, really shapely if i may say. Judging from her hips, she probably had a nice round butt that poked out. I couldn't wait to see.

I didn't know what was happening to me. Since when did i start being interested in butts? I usually went for the model-thin females with breasts, but i didn't usually care for curves and butts. i knew this place was messing with my head. Freaken Africans. probably put something in my food so i could fall in love with one of their girls and take them to America. Hell no, i won't ever do that! I can imagine how much of a laughing stock i would become. Over my dead body!

With that thought, my face was set into hard lines when i looked up at Halima. I regarded her with a sharp nod of my head and turned to set up the goals for the kids.  i saw a confused look pass over her face but she hid it with a tiny smile. My face was still set in stone as i continued to walk around her setting up the soccer goals. She kept following, looking lost.

Finally, she tapped me on the back when i was in the process of setting up the two cones that would serve as a goal for one side, i guess they couldn't afford nets for goals.

" Umm, Mama, she say i come to help you." She stated, shyly looking up at me. her big brown eyes melted my stone face and i couldn't help but smile at her. Gosh, i don't know what this girl is doing to me, i can't even stay mad at her for more than one minute.

she looked hesitant, and kept picking at a loose thread on her pants. In that moment, she seemed like a little child who was shy and wanted to run behind her mother's skirts. i smiled reassuringly at her and replied, " Oh thank you, i am not very good with children."

she walked towards me, every step more graceful than the previous. Her hips moved in a specific rhythm that only she could decipher. When she reaced me, we stood in silence. I was contemplating what to say to fill in the silence.

" Umm you are a great dancer," i announced awkwardly," Last night i was looking at you... i mean i was also looking at the other dancers..whtat i meant to say is, you are very good at what you do." I finishe, blushing slightly.

I couldn't believe this. I was blushing!! Me, the playboy, blushing! My friends would die of laughter if they saw me rigt now. dammit i was loosing my touch and all because of a simple girl.

" thank you."

" Today the children will just play soccer, like just free time so i can plan a schedule for the rst of the week." Halima nodded and proceeded to put the other two cones on the other side. I watched her her back as she bent down. damn, she had some ass. i was totally right about her. Her butt was round and a little out but it flowed into her hips nicely. I couldn't stop staring. I was never a butt person, hence why i didn't date black women, but therewas something about her body that spoke wonders to me.

I quickly turned around to hide my hard on and to prevent her from catching me ogling. She would propbably slap me and curse me with her African voodoo.  I caught her son looking at me with a knowing look. He winked and turned to skip to his friends.

Did he see me looking at her? oh crap. he probably thought i was trying to do something bad to his mom. Wait, the boy is like four years old, he can't know these things. I'm sure he didn't see. But why the smile and wink?

I seperated the kids into teams and they played soccer for the rest of the period. They all argued with me when i called it soccer instead of football, claiming Americans don't say it right. All in All, it was a good day. The kids really did know how to play soccer, better than me even. I was very shocked and when i asked Halima, she informed me that was the sports they played majority of the time. they don't have basketballs or American footballs.

I was directing one of the kids, his name was Kofi, to pack the cones but he didn't seem to understand me. At first, i thought he was playing a trick on me like earlier, but Halima walked towards him and spoke in Swahili. He immediately ran to the cones and began to pack them.

Halima turned to me with a smile."  He didn't understand your American English, you have very deep accent."

I couldn't believe She thought i had an accent. " Wow, well where i come from, you have an accent." I replied.

"Well, you in my land now." She retorted feistily with a smirk. I wanted to grab her and wipe that smirk off her face with a searing kiss.

Our eyes connected, and her brown eyes were bigger and browner than usual. I moved towards her...


Sorry for the cliffy, don't kill me. I gtg, love yall. Will upload tomorrow, hopefully.

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