Heading Home

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Cry's POV

"Cry! Wait up!" I heard a Swedish accent call from behind me. I began to laugh and ran faster.

Continuous yells from behind me just made me run harder and faster until my legs began to hurt. I had probably ran half way around the fair grounds but dodging around people and rides had made it tougher.

The yells turned to gasping wheezes and soon stopped all together. I looked over my shoulder and couldn't see Felix at all. My mind panicked once again and I instantly regretted running.

I jogged back towards the way I came from and slid between people and stepped around huddled groups. I began trying to call out for Pewds but my breathing was so heavy it was barely audible.

I turned and looked to my right and saw a dirty blonde hair colored man wearing a brofist shirt sitting on a bench. He was hugging his sides and looking at the ground.

"Felix!" I shouted. His head popped up and he sighed. I hope from relief.

"Cry? Can you please stop running so much? Some people aren't athletic you know!" He huffed, out of breath.

"I'll stop. Are you ok? Do you need some help?" I asked and sat next to Pewdie.

"I'm fine, I just can't keep up with you."

"Well I'll just walk for now on." I said.

"Thanks," Pewds smiled.

Pewdiepie's POV

We stayed at the carnival for about three more hours. We rode rides and played a few games. Cry won a giant blue dog at a ring tossing game and I won a little fluffy bear.

The sky had started to darken very slowly and we decided we should be getting back to Cryaotic's place.

So we headed towards the gates at the entrance. "Thanks for coming!" A voice shouted as we walked through.

We walked through the mostly empty parking lot and struggled to find Cry's car.

"It's over here! I remember!" He would yell as he ran to a location, only to be disappointed and walk back to me.

After 15 minutes we found it. We both walked to it and it beeped as Cry unlocked it. I was suddenly exhausted from running around all day. All I can remember before I passed out was opening the car door and plopping down in the seat.

Cry's POV

The ride home was quiet. Pewds was fast asleep in the passenger seat as I struggled to remain awake myself.

I looked at the digital clock. It was only 8. The sky had darkened a bit more but since it was summer, sometimes the sky wouldn't show it's stars till ten or eleven at night.

I began humming to give me something to do. That was a bad idea though because the low tune only made me sleepier.

I looked over at Felix. His head was on the armrest and he had curled up in the seat like a child. I hadn't noticed until now but he had been snoring softly.

A little drop of drool appeared at the corner of his mouth and I chuckled lightly.

Snoring and drooling? I think that will be tease worthy in the morning.

I looked back up at the road. My heart raced as a car whizzed passed on my left. A loud honk shocked me as I quickly turned the wheel.

The car had drifted between lanes and was beginning to swerve farther left and right.

My heart was pounding. But the insistent hasn't woken Pewdiepie.

He was still snoring in the passenger seat.


I discovered the word pugilist.

I thought it was pugist at first.

Discrimination against pugs. That ain't cool.

A Break (Pewdiecry)Where stories live. Discover now