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Cry's POV

I leaned on the counter in my kitchen and took a swig out of my almost empty beer bottle and smiled.

I was starting to feel bubbly.

I turned to Felix who was struggling to walk in a straight line into the kitchen.

"Um, Pewds, do you need some help?" I giggled.

"Nah, I got it." He said as he reached out for something to stabilize himself.

"Jeez, you are already drunk?" I chuckled. "Lightweight!"

"At least I get to have fun faster!" He stuck his tongue out at me.

I took another sip of my beer. "Sure. Hey we should play some games."

"Left4Dead?" Pewds shrugged.

"Why not?" I gulped down the rest of my beverage and tossed the bottle into the trash.

Pewds opened the fridge and pulled out four more beers.

"Here, we can have extras so we won't have to get up right away." He said handing me a beer.

We walked into the living room as I twisted the cap of my bottle.

"Ha, I to, I told, ya I'd win!" Pewds slurred.

He had just killed my guy and was now doing an awkward, clumsy dance.

Both of us were drunk by the time we got bored of L4D2. We were wasted by the time we figured out we were too out of it to play Portal 2. And now we were completely shit faced.

"Yeah, yeah. Lets do something fun." I said.

"Like what?" Pewdie collapsed onto the couch.

"Uh, like, would you rather or truth or dare or some'in. Somethin' saucy." I giggled.

"Ok," Felix smiled.

Pewdiepie's POV

"Truth or dare?" Cry asked.

"This is so dumb." I laughed.

"Truth or dare!" Cry said louder, trying not to laugh himself.

"Uh, truth?"

"Huh, is it true that you are... Gay!" Cry burst out laughing.

"Maaaayyyybe." I winked and laughed along with him.

As we calmed down I looked at Cry. His eyes were shiny and his hair was messy. His scars seemed almost invisible in the late evening light.

He actually looked...cute. For a guy.

I studied his face some more and traced down the length on his body with my eyes.

He was an attractive guy. Very attractive. If I liked guys I'd probably be very attracted to him.

His tanned body and sweet smile would melt any girls heart. His eyes were amazing.

"Felix, I know I'm sexy but my why are you staring at me?" Cry chuckled.

"You sure are." I whispered.

Wait. Why would I say that? Why am I thinking these things? I'm not that drunk, am I?

Cry didn't show any signs of hearing me so I sighed in relief.

"Why were you staring?" He did a half smile that was adorable.

'Stop! Felix! Being drunk is no excuse! He is your friend! And, and you don't like guys!' I mentally yelled at myself.

"Be, because your, your cute." I stuttered. God dammit, Felix!

"Pfft, not as cute as you." Cry winked and nudged me with his shoulder.

All of a sudden my heart started pounding. I realized my hands had started to sweat. Something inside me snapped and all sane thoughts subsided.

I remembered feeling this sometime before but, it was...different.

I was overcome with a desire, a need for this man. The attraction was too strong. I, I couldn't take it anymore.

I woke up the next morning with a major headache. The afternoon sunlight was coming in through a window at a different angle than usual. I glanced up at the wall to my left and seen the glass filled hole of unholy annoyance and squinted my eyes before wincing at the degree of pain my head had risen to.

Then I remembered that the window in the room I'd been sleeping in for the last couple was on my right when I woke up.

Then I realized I was in an unfamiliar bed.

With a unidentifiable lump under the covers.

Then I heard the lump...snore?



More than 600 reads?!?? 12 votes?!?

I can't thank you guys enough! That's just amazing!!

Anyway! Things are finally starting to happen in this story.

Sorry for the rushed and messy writing. Some of it was on purpose, cause they are drunk, and some of it is because I might have wrote the majority of this around midnight.

Also, my design tablet has arrived! *insert excited squealing here*

A Break (Pewdiecry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ