Chapter 2

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"No! Get away from me, don't touch me!"

I shot right up with tears streaming down my face. Several emotions rushed over me, and shivers raced down my spine. Thank goodness it was only a dream, a horrid dream. I searched around in the darkness, trying to locate my phone. When I realized it was under my bed, I glanced at the screen. It was 3:49 a.m., and I doubted I'd be able to fall asleep again. Taking a few gasps, I tried to settle myself, opting to watch a movie instead. However, my attempt failed, and after only 10 minutes into the movie, I fell asleep again.

Waking up and realizing that today marked a week before summer vacation, with exams finished and summer about to begin, instantly put me in a good mood. This would be the last bit of fun we could have before college acceptance letters came out, followed by finals and graduation. I bolted out of bed with a smile on my face and music playing (despite a restless night's sleep). Nothing could ruin today. As I rushed downstairs, the smell of bacon hit me. Dylan was busy making it (I questioned whether or not I should eat it). Dylan's cooking skills weren't the greatest, but the scent was too seductive, leaving me with little choice.

"Morning. Coffee?" he scowled and stared at me with red, puffy eyes.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine?" I teased, knowing Dylan hated sarcasm so early in the morning, which made it even funnier. We death stared each other for a minute until he gave a roaring, brassy cough.

"Are you sick?" I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Don't even start. I'm skipping school today. I need my strength and energy because the coach asked me to play for the basketball team tonight. We're starting pre-season for football earlier than usual so we're ready for the season after the summer holidays."

"So I assume I need to tell your coaches and teachers that?" I got annoyed when he assumed I'd do his dirty work for him.

"Please? And please tell Elaina that I'm thinking of her and tell her I love her?"

"So why can't you text her? You have a cell phone." All I received were puffy red-eyed death stares, and I sensed that was my cue to leave. At school, they divided the parking lot into three major areas for teachers, students, and the captains of the different sports. After 10 minutes of trying to find a spot, I collected my books and laptop before getting out and walking to the first period. As the day continued, nothing weird or embarrassing happened, and my frame of mind remained positive. Elaina was in a pleasant mood (apart from missing Dylan). Lunch came, and the cafeteria special was chicken à la king. Yum.

"So what's your proposal for the summer? We need an adventure, Liv," Elaina said before taking a bite of her food.

A slight grin popped across my face.

"I was thinking of Florida?"

"Nevermind, we do that every year."

"That's true. Where can we go to get more audacious and life-changing experiences? Life is way too boring at the moment."

"Oh! What about Lake Lusaka? We own a cabin there, and we're still members at the golf club?" I shrugged.

Elaina had an enormous smile on her face. "Brilliant idea! You're a genius, Liv! We will have so much fun."

"I'm sure Dylan will enjoy it. He can invite Jay, and it will just be the four of us?"

"Ah no. What about a girls only trip? We don't have to be on our game 24/7 then? I want to relax. Please? No boys?" A sound of desperation thrived in my tone.

"That sounds nice. Okay, this is exciting now. I'll speak to my aunt." Both satisfied with our arrangement, we continued eating. The last period couldn't come any faster, and the lack of sleep was catching up to me, making my eyes heavy. Why did I even bother taking History? It's so boring.

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