Chapter 2

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Maleficent POV

"Poor girl I know we are evil but we need them to leave and forget everything and I know just the way" I walked downstairs and told everybody "Great News everybody you five are chosen to go to a different school in Auradon"

Alex's POV

Did she just say what I think she just said I hugged Jay tighter he pulled me closer "Maleficent why would we go there?" She looked up "Your gonna go there and get fairy godmothers wand" I looked at Mal Carlos and Evie and said "At least we get to leave the house and go somewhere else" Mal looked and Maleficent "And what do we get?" Maleficent looked at Mal "Matching thrones Her and Her crowns" I looked at her "I think she meant all of us" Maleficent looked at us "Come here Mal" then they had the stare off when there eyes glow green and Mal gave up "Ugh fine" Maleficent smiled "I win!" then we heard a limo pull up and got our things and evil queen gives me my own magic mirror "Oh queen this is amazing thank you!" I hug her and she laughs "Your welcome honey"

*In the limo*

Alex's POV

I sat between Jay and Carlos and we saw all the candy and started pushing our hands away to grab as much as we can and then Jay sees I don't have that much and gives me more and I blush "Look!!!" Evie screamed we saw the limo was going towards the broken bridge and we all screamed and my hair turned orange and we got into a group hug "Guys guys guys GUYS STOP" Mal says we all looks out and see we are driving on a yellow bridge "It must be magic" Evie says jumping up and down in her seat I'm still hugging Jay "Alex its ok look out" He says laughing a bit "Nope I'm not looking" then I feel Jay lift me up and I looked and saw we were there and my hair went back to its normal color "Aww man were here" I said sadly when we got out I grabbed stuff and walked out with it while Jay and Carlos were fighting over a scarf it was funny then a lady in a light blue dress and a boy in a blue suit and a girl wearing a princess dress walked up to us "Hello children I'm Fairy Godmother welcome to Auradon" then she saw the stuff we had "I suggest you leave it where you found it" she sings "Or just leave it" then Jay throws the stuff in and the scarf in and I groan and throw the stuff I was gonna take back in the limo "Hi guys I'm Ben-" he was cut off by the girl "He means Prince Ben soon to be king" she cheered happy I rolled my eyes then Ben started walking up to us and Jay pulled me close to him and I blushed then he talked I zoned out what he was saying and heard Mal "Or you could show five people where the bathrooms are" we laugh a bit "Where are our dorms and also I'm gonna share with the boys" Audrey looks at me "Sorry girls share with gir-" I cut her off "I don't take orders from a spoiled princess" and we walked to our rooms I grabbed my bag and went to Jay and Carlos Dorm "Hey guys" I put my bag near Jays bed "Hey you" I blush and he starts flirting with me and Carlos ran out the door and I laugh a bit

Jays POV

"Hey you" She blushes "Look I've been waiting to ask you this but will you be my girlfriend?" Her face lights up like the 4 of July "Yes!!" She jumps in my arms and I just hold her not wanting to let go this was amazing she's mine and nobody is gonna take her away from me

Alex's POV

"will you be my girlfriend?" I was so happy I nearly yelled "Yes!!" I jumped in his arms and he held me I didn't want to let go he's mine and I know he will protect me and I will protect him at this point my hair is pink which means love could this day get any better!!

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