Chapter 2: A Home Away From Home

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                Chapter 2: A Home Away From Home

        Maxwell and Leia woke up long before sunrise. They watched more movies until Miss Casey walked into the employee lounge.

“Good mourning you two,” she smiled

“Good mourning,” they said together.

“You know, it is weird how you do that.”

“Sorry,” they again said together.

Miss Casey chuckled, “It’s okay, how’d you sleep?”

Maxwell looked at his sister suggesting for her to answer first.

“I slept well,” Leia said.

“As did I,” Maxwell smiled.

Leia stood and looked at Casey, “Miss Casey, I am afraid we were rude yesterday for not telling you our names. You see my brother is very protective. But he deems you trustworthy now,” she looked to her brother.

“Yes,” he nodded.

“Oh, nice to know,” Miss Casey said, confused.

The girl continued, “I am Leia, my brother’s name is Maxwell, and our last name is Kirk.”

“Uh huh,” Casey thought it was odd that they chose now to introduce themselves properly.

“You my call me Max for short,” Max smiled.

“I will, Max.”

“Do you require any assistance?” they said in unison, again.

“Uh, no, I, um, I need to take a bath, uh, feel free to look around, the store that is. I’ll make breakfast as soon as Emms is up.”

“Alright,” they said together.

        As Miss Casey turned around she whispered, “Oh Gosh, what did I get myself into?”

        When she returned she brought some more clothes for them. “Here you go, you can wear these.”

“Thank you,” They both said.

        After the two were changed and Emily woke up, Miss Casey cooked breakfast for everyone. Max and Leia enjoyed the meal of eggs, bacon, and, bagels. While they were eating Casey spoke, “Do you two want to go shopping for some clothes?”

“Yes!” Leia said in excitement.

“I do not care,” Maxwell said, “But we have no money to pay for clothes.”

“That’s okay, I’ve got it covered,” she smiled.

“You’ve already done so much for us, I do not want to take advantage of your generosity.”

“It’s not taking advantage of me if I offer. Besides, we could do a trade off, I have plenty of work for you two to do around here, if you’re willing” she smiled.

“Yes, that we are.”

Emily smiled, “Mom, I’d be glad to give up some of my chores!”

“It’s okay there’s plenty for Max and Leia to do.”

“Like take out the garbage!”

“We’ll discuss it later, Emily.”

 So, they all decided to go shopping at the mall. Casey handed Max and Leia each some money and said, “Buy whatever clothes you want, but you might want to check out the sales because that might be it for the clothes allowance for a while.”

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