An Introduction To Heroes

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Before I died, you probably could have referred to my occupation with the word superhero. Or super, or magician, or whatever you want to call it; a Hero nonetheless.

Being a Hero is not all about the fame, glory and awesome costumes (although there is plenty of that). It's about the sacrifice and dedication. Never putting your own well being above that of others. To be honest with you, being a Hero kind of sucks sometimes. Everyone depends on you all the time; they need you, they all want you. Tip number one: you can't trust anyone.

Before we get too far, I should probably start with my name. Yes that should suffice. Well, my name is (according to my birth certificate) Lennie. Lennie Laila Jones. 19 years of pure awesome. Now to put a face to the name you just received - I am quite the ordinary soul: dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, with a thin, lanky stature. Well, that's all you really need to know about me for right now, you can figure the rest out later.

Now you are probably wondering why this crazy chick is writing her boring life story out for everyone to divulge themselves upon. Well the answer is that I truly don't know. I want to be remembered I guess? Warning story for newbie Heroes? Life lessons? I don't know.

All right, back to the matter at hand; First rule in the Top Three of the Hero's Guidelines:

1 - Don't Trust Anyone
(Many a Hero has died from breaking this first exceedingly important rule ... Ahem ... me)
2 - No Killing
(Killing automatically and irreversibly instates you into the 'villain' category)
3 - No Falling in Love
(See rule number one)

Of course there are many other rules to being a Hero, but these are the most important - breaking any of these could result in serious emotional or physical injury, and even produce fatality.

Take me for example: I'M DEAD. End of story.

Although these rules may sound unethical and even harsh, if you just look closer, you'll notice that not only are these the most dangerous to break, they are also the most common mistakes known to Hero kind.

Think about it; what comic book superhero/character does not break at least one of these rules in any episode of their franchise or lifetime? Not a single one, yet they still do it. Not to mention that the majority ends tragically.

Every society has it's own type of Hero. Whether it be politicians, monarchs, or presidents; they all stand for something that is for the people, not for their own benefit (most of the time).

Heroism is an art in itself. You have to be just the right kind of person with the right qualities in order to even consider becoming a Hero. It's hard work.

I used to be one of those people. Intelligent, selfless, brave, kind ... but then do you know what happened?

I did something horrible, something unforgivable, and I hate myself for it. I can't stand myself knowing all the awful things I've done. I can't look at my hands and not remember the crimes they have committed; the blood they have spilt. I despise it. I loathe it.

My only relieving thought is maybe knowing that he did it too.

Do you know why I've confined my black soul to the infinite depths of misery? Do you know why I cry in agony over what has passed? It's because of him.

I broke all the rules for him.

I died for him.

I love him ...... And he loved me.

A Tale of HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora