Chapter the Second

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I watched ensnared as he slowly blinked his drowsy eyes open for the world to see. His hands came up to gently rub his face as he hesitantly took in his surroundings.

Much to my utter fascination, he suddenly bolted upright as his foggy brain came to the conclusion that he was not home. Not, in fact, anywhere near his home if my assumptions were correct in the insinuation that he was not from around here.

I became even more amused as he smacked his head on the headboard of my king sized bed - curtesy of my large wings. So much so that I let out a little giggle at his obvious struggles.

My giggle instantly alerted him to my presence in the room. He once again jerked his head that he had been rubbing sorely at the moment in my direction. So shocked was his reaction that he actually fell backwards off the edge of my large bed. I'll let you know that my bed was at least a good 3-4 feet from the ground; making it a pretty painful fall (I would know).

It was all a hilarious scene and I ended up laughing so hard my stomach hurt. He groaned out of sight from the other side of the bed and slowly pushed himself up so that only the top of his head, mangled hair, and brilliant blue eyes were viewable.

He stared at me with complete distrust and a little confusion as I attempted to regain my composure after the delightful bout of laughter I had just divulged to myself,

"Who are you?" He questioned almost timidly as he perused the room with just his eyes. No other movements. Scanning for dangerous items or some sort of trap no doubt.

I was taken aback. Was he kidding or did he really not know who I was?

"Um, Nightwing?" I asked as if it was a question.

He rolled his eyes in partial annoyance.

"No not your stage name, your real name."

Perturbed, I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed out an irritated; "I don't think I want to tell you, so for now you can call me.....Laila."

"Laila." He tested my name. "So Laila, what am I doing here?"

All of this proceeded while he was still hiding his body behind my large bed, his shifty eyes now on my body taking in my extended, drying wings and stringy, wet hair.

I shifted uncomfortably and replied; "Before we get into nice pleasantries, I would love it if I could actually make eye contact with a real person in a normal way if you know what I mean."

I continued looking at him pointedly until he gave a mighty sigh and heaved himself back up and onto my bed.

We sat in awkward silence for several moments before I had the audacity to actually ask him a question.

"So now you know my name, will I be especially blessed with yours?"

His bare abdomen caught my attention as he leaned forward and placed his chin on his fist; effectively distracting me from listening to what he was saying.

"—but I mean if you want to that's fine."

I shook my head, flinging my still damp hair out of my face and looking at him with blushing cheeks.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

He snorted in amusement. Obviously he must get this a lot. It was in that moment that I decided that I was not going to become 'one of those girls'.

"I said," he went on to repeat, "that my name is Aiden Blake but it's fine if you call me Wade."

Wade. It.....suits him.

"So Wade, are you going to do anything stupid while I get you something to eat and something for you to wear?"

He looked surprise; shocked even.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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