The Heist

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CatwomanxBatman One-Shot!

By the way guys, I do take requests! Leave it in the comments and I'll see what I can do!


I loved the rush and exhilarating feel that comes with jumping from building to building under the moon's light. The feel of the wind whipping and licking my skin as I ran from one rooftop to the next. The way my muscles tightened and released as I sprang off the edge of a roof.

I loved it.

I loved everything about it.

But tonight wasn't about the thrill of running around with the grace of a cat. Nope. Tonight was about the hunt. The hunt for some jewels. Maybe if I was lucky enough, the hunt for my Bat too.

A Cheshire cat like grin spread across my features as I landed with little or no sound from the roof to the ground. I stood, hand on my jutted out hip as I stared at the glistening gems behind the glass windows of the shop. Reaching for my belt, I grabbed the cat gloves and slipped them on, wouldn't be helpful if I left any prints behind. I leaned over and used the sharp tip of the claw on the glove to cut a small hole in the glass. I reached in and unlocked the door from the inside, throwing it open with a grandiose gesture.

Alarms instantly began to go off. Loud screeching alarms that hurt my ears, but I ignored so that I could begin my heist. I picked up my pace, my black heels clicking on the wooden flooring as I rushed around. I threw glass table after glass case to the ground. Shards of glass flying around in the air for me like iridescent butterflies that danced in the moon's light. I smiled like a child as I grabbed handfuls of gems and jewelry that only the ridiculously wealthy would be able to one day own.

I shoved everything and anything into my pockets as I went, grabbing the most valuable things I could. My body froze when I saw the most beautiful ring sitting withing an untouched glass case among others. I placed both of my hands on the glass as I leaned forwards, peering over at the gorgeous ring. It was a bright white silver ring that seemed to sparkle at every angle. The ring was shaped like small rose petals and it blossomed into a little silver rose that had my favorite gem of tourmaline in the center. I thought it was absolutely stunning.

I would have never taken my eyes off of it, had I not realized that in the glass I could see a figure looming behind me. Before I could react quick enough, the person pinned my arms behind my back. I gasped out, I had been so enthralled by the ring, I didn't notice that the alarm had stopped.

"You're under arrest for breaking and entering." Came the deep baritone voice behind me.

I purred with laugher before throwing my full weight backwards unexpectedly by jumping up and kicking off the glass case. The person was obviously not expecting that and fell backwards hard with me on top, his grip loosening the slightest. It was just enough for me to slip away. I jumped to my feet, spinning around to see the person getting quickly to their feet as well. "Batman! Always a pleasure to see you." I smiled, tilting my head to the side.

"I can never say the same for you Catwoman." He sighed.

I gave pouty lips as I took a step backwards, my hands behind my back hitting a table. "Now, don't be that way!" I laughed.

He took a step closer to me and I stood taller, this guy wasn't about to intimidated me. With a large smirk on my face, I put a hand on his chest as I looked into his eyes beyond his mask. He grabbed my wrist and held it firmly up in the air. With a graceful twirl, I spun so my back was to him, although I was still in his grasp, and I leaned forwards so my leg kicked back. It made contact with him and he fell back, pulling me down with him once again. Landing on top of him again, this time he kept his grip tight on my arm and when I hit his chest, he moved out from under me and pinned my arms above my head.

"Cat, stop playing games. I'm not in the mood, you're going to end up in police custody by the end of this. Just give up." He speaks, a good foot above my face.

I laugh, throwing my head back as I did so. "You're funny. You know damn good and well I'm not one to give up like that. Cats don't listen to orders well." I smile as my eyes flit to see he has a leg on either side of me. I bring my knee up hard and fast and it makes contact, throwing him forward over my head. I spin around, straddling him this time and forcing his arms down on either side of his head.

"You're a lot stronger than you look." He growls and I flash a quick grin. "But not strong enough." He pushed himself off the ground, landing back on top of me.

I yowl as I land hard on my back, my eyes finally growing wide behind my mask. I tried to wiggle out from beneath him but he used all his weight to pin me down, my arms pressed against the floor by my shoulders. "Bruce! Stop, please! You know I'm just having a little fun." I yell, using his alter ego name.

"Selina, I need to protect this city. Letting you get away with this means that I'm not taking my job serious. Just calm down." He says.

I squirm under his weight, practically thrashing out as I try to escape, feeling like an animal in a trap. Suddenly, I think of a quick idea as I freeze underneath him. Without hesitation, I bring my head up and my lips meet his roughly. He tries to pull away from me, but he still holds my arms down, so he can't move very far. I continue to kiss him harshly, and after a moment he kisses me back. His grip on my wrists slackens and in lightening speed pull my arms away and shove him off of me.

Scrambling to my feet, I run as fast as I possibly can away from him. I ended up running deeper into the jewelry store, my eyes frantic as I look around. Batman was getting to his feet now, and while looking for an escape route my eyes landed on the shattered remains of a glass case. The case I kicked off of laid broken on the ground, the ring I was admiring among the shards of glass. I scooped it up, slipping it on as I turned and ran to a side window. I kicked the widow till it was all broken down and I throw myself out.

The second I rolled on the ground and my feet touched asphalt, I burst into a run. I could hear Batman behind me as he followed, "Cat!" He yelled, but I continued on.

I took turn after turn and I was pretty positive I had lost him. I hid out in an alley all night, I hid till the first rays of the morning sun told me it was safe enough to go home. And I did just that.


Heyho! So that ending was kinda awkward, sorry. I wasn't sure how to end it.

But if you enjoyed the story overall, make me super happy and please click the vote button.

Thank you!

I love all my readers!


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