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The art.

Ah, the canvas to start with. So fair and clean, nothing to mar the beauty of its simplicity. The works that can be painted on this one canvas that lay so empty at this moment.

The brush is next. It's a sharp tool, most people don't use it. It's a challenge for some to one day have that switch, that need for this new medium to do their art with. It takes strength.

After, comes the paint. The brush glides along the canvas, little streaks of color chasing after the brush. Some lines are light and hardly produce color; others darker and leaves the paint dripping down the canvas, scarring the once mark-free surface. The streaks of vibrancy atop the pale canvas are now a permanent blemish. It may one day fade in color, or be covered and hidden, but the ghost of discoloration still remains among the once empty canvas.

The artist lets out a wicked smile. The relief of being able to create their art brings them something that only they can smile about. Others may cringe, scream, cry. Others may turn away from this method of art while others may understand on a more meaningful level, but this is what brings you what you need. This sweet solace that may bring tears to your eyes is what helps. You use the depth of your past, all your emotions to have the will to create your breathtaking and shocking masterpiece. After it is finished, you may dread the finished product that stains your canvas, but it doesn't matter to you. What matters is not the piece, it is the relief.

That's all you crave. It's the addiction to the process, not the result.

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