Chapter 1

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Present day

A red-orange light glares. What is that? Oh, Right... light. Fuck finally! Slowly cracking my eyes open, I frown and smack my lips at the god-awful taste in my mouth. I turn over and grab one of the three glasses of water Lala leaves me every morning. She's a goddess! Sipping, I look around the confined space Lala and I share with two other orphan girls, Clara and Zinc. It's one of many little rooms carved under the surface of this scorched planet, the facility itself is called Bright Future Orphanage. Ironic? Why yes, yes it is.

I look at the dirt walls, second-hand bunk beds, and ceiling that shins to indicate the sun is down and it's time to get up and on with the day, night... whatever.

The dream flashes in my mind. For a second I close my eyes reliving that day. Every night has become a parade of red death. Scenes of skin and bones breaking play over and over. It hasn't gotten easier to see the faces of my past, in fact, they have become more vivid, making it difficult to distinguish a dream from reality. I shake my head coming back from my rotten upbringing.

Finishing the last cup, I get out of bed and pad over to my chest, pull out a jar of bathing sand, a scrub, and a towel. Then at the little dresser next to the bunk, I get a change of clothes. On my way out Zinc stops me, her excitement rolling off of her in waves. She's always been hyperactive, a wonderful characteristic to complement her red curls that frame her freckled face and her warm green eyes.

"Sage! Miss Curran asked everyone to gather in the Main Hall!" She grabs my shoulders and shakes them. Miss Curran is the head-honcho of the facility. A rather short, cute old woman, that if disobeyed would happily rip your spin out. She's awesome!

The moment my brain stops rattling I ask, "What for? Did someone rip the walls down again?" I smile knowingly at my hot-headed friend. Zinc loves to greet the new arrivals, a few months ago one of them was being a real shit head. She tried her best to keep calm, but in the end, they had a showdown that caused walls to be destroyed, floors to be dug out, and the ceiling to cave in. Thankfully, no one was in Miss Curran's office at the time. They would have fallen through the floor like sand in an hourglass. Anyways, who could blame her for kicking some sense into the kid? He was a pain and still is! No one can deny the new fleshlings had an exciting first day that month and thanks to Zinc, the Main Hall got one hell of an upgrade.

Zinc pouts but fails to drop her jittery vibe. "No, you know I've been extra careful since then - and that Brix kid deserved it! Listen, she said that a ship was spotted in our sector and has requested to land! She wants everyone, and I quote, 'Suited up'!" She said the last part in a throaty voice that somewhat resembles Miss Curran's.

"Suited up? What kind of ship?" Curiosity bloomed. That would mean they wanted to see us in combat, only government ship request to see combat simulations.

Shit, Zinc is talking.

"— Like a black heart diamond. I've never seen anything like it!"

"Wait, what? The ship?"

"No Sage, a Grouting Tree." Her head juts out to the side and her face pinches, making me grin. "Of Course the ship! Haven't you been listening to anything I've been saying?" She slaps my shoulder.

"Ow! Yeah, I have, but can you repeat it... for fun?"

Zinc rolled her eyes, "The ship is black with a reflective surface and it has sharp cuts all around it, like a black heart diamond." A Department of Illegal Alien Affairs, DIAA, ship. A wonderful plan starts forming in my head, I'm finally getting the chance I need. I have to find her.

"Alright," I look out into the corridor then back at Zinc. "I was just on my way to go wash up. I'll see you in a bit, okay?"

"Okay, the meeting is in fifteen minutes!" I nod and brush past her.

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