Chapter 2 a new fresh start

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~~~~~~~~~~~ Reader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After about a month the war ended ponies across Equestria are still missing some are gone. But the others survived and Equestria won the battle. The only problem is that Equestria was wrecked.

Rainbow and Dairing do's Family survived by getting food from the ever free forest though it was dangerous they need to do it. But not once the family got together and saw each other again they nearly forgot about each other.

~~~~~~~~~ Rain Dasher's POV ~~~~~~~~~~

"Now now Rainbow dash stay still..."I said as I fix her diaper.

"Da da." She said as I carried her and flew to find some food. Rainbow dash was smiling whenever I fly with her she really loves to fly in the sky ! Rainbow dash is going to be one of the bestest fliers in all of Equestria!

I flew down and saw a tree filled with apples and it looks like it has a farm on it. I flew down and grabbed one then some pony came out.

"How dare you take all them apples without permission!" Some pony said alarming me. She looked like a green pony and about 5 years older than me but she's not that old.

"Oh I'm so sorry I was just hungry can I have please?" I asked and begged for forgiveness.

"Ok I'll forgive yeh just don't let it happen again." She said as I took apples and gave them to Rainbow dash and one for me. I thanked the pony and left.

I flew to the cave and placed Rainbow dash slowly on the floor as she frowned.

"Fwy !!!!! I wanna fwy!!" She said as she started to cry.

"Aww don't you cry my darling... I got an idea what if I ..." I said as I saw a huge cloud coming to the cave. I flew to it and saw it looked like a house inside. I flew down and grabbed Rainbow dash and flew up to the cloud.

"Here you like flying don't you? Why don't we live here so it will be like your flying." I said as Rainbow dash nodded and stopped crying she gave a cute smile. I smiled and placed her on 1 side of the cloud.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rainbow sky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My stomach was growling so I decided to fly away to find food. I grabbed Dairing Do and flew off. I saw a tree filled with apples and with a farm too! I flew to the farm and knocked.

"Eyyup?" Someone asked from the inside.

"Oh uh... I just wanted to ask if you could give me apples for my daughter and me because I'm really hungry and I need food." I said.

"Eyyup!" The voice said as he opened the door.

"Thank you uh... can you help me I don't know how." I asked as he helped me. He used his mouth to get 2 apples.

"Yeah ponies really want to get 'em apples." Some pony walked she was a green pony about older.

"Oh Big mac you really love to give ponies 'em apples." The green pony said in a smile.

"Oh hi..." I said I was nervous I feel like I'm going to be scolded.

"Oh hi there miss, you look so beautiful!" She said as I blushed.

"Thank you... I just want some apples for my daughter and me because I'm really hungry." I said.

"Oh ok then." The green pony said as she walked inside the barn.

"Thank you sir." I said as I gave the apple to Rainbow dash and flew away.

"Ma ma ! I sweepy." Dairing do said as she yawned.

"Oh ok dear we're almost home." I said as I landed on the sight of the house I was staying in.

I dropped Dairing do slowly on the bed of the house as she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." I said to myself well it's true because for one reason my life was ruined my husband is gone and also my other daughter and now I'm not even sure if I can live being a single mom. But don't worry one day we will see each other again!

One day....


IT'S STARTING !!!!!! THE LONG AWAITED RAINBOW TWIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if this took so long school got started and I was busy ( High school life XD )

So yeah I will be finishing this by... I dont know yet because this story is going to be long but not as long as Give love a second chance ! :)

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